The Lawsuit

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                                                                                  Jin's POV
        I've been working on the Jung abuse case since the day Jimin left the hospital. I first tried to speak with the police about it but they didn't believe that Hoseok's dad could hurt anyone. Instead, I called Hoseok's mom and waited until she could meet me somewhere so I could ask her about it. Today was the day she agreed to meet me at a café.
         "Mrs. Jung, I'm Kim SeokJin. I'm a lawyer and I have caught word that you husband is abusive from a source whom I believe would like to stay anonymous. Hoseok has came to high school with new bruises almost every day. He seemingly tried to color correct the bruises to hide them but they were still viewable." I said before dipping a napkin in my cup of water. I brought the wet paper to her face and gently wiped away the makeup on her cheek.
     "Even you are covered in bruises, Miss. As a parent also I know you just want to protect your son but, alone you can't. For the past three years Hoseok has been causing emotional harm to my son and now just two weeks ago he left my son beaten and passed out in an alley. If we didn't find my son at the time we did he would've died." I continued and a few tears slipped out of her eyes. I handed her a dry napkin so she could dry them.
    "However, my son doesn't want to press charges against Hoseok. My son knew why Hoseok was acting the way he was so he just allowed it. In doing so my son has developed depression and anxiety. We could have Hoseok jailed for harassment, attempted murder, and endangerment of a minor.  But my son has stated that he would just prefer Mr. Jung be placed in a jail and far away from you two. If you would file a case for abuse I can and will have Mr. Jung sentenced for at least a decade. Miss, do you know what the other inmates do to the men who abused their wives?" I asked.
     Amidst her tears she said, "I don't know what the other inmates do but please help us. I'm sorry for how Hoseok has acted towards you son. It sounds like your boy was his outlet for anger and sadness. Thank you for not pressing charges against Hoseok. If you get my husband in jail I can promise you Hoseok will stop. Thank you again for not pressing charges on Hoseok. I'm going to go file a lawsuit against my husband and ask that you be our lawyer. I'm sorry for how Hoseok has treated your son but thank you so much for helping us still!"
        "This is just the beginning, but you're welcome! Can I buy you a drink or something before you leave?" I politely asked with a small smile.
    "But you're doing so much for us already! Well, if you insist." She said after a pause between sentences.
   I walked her to the counter and let her order what she wanted then added a cookie I saw her stare at. I payed for her drink and cookie and she then went on her way after thanking me once again.
     She was really kind, how did she end up with a soulmate like that? How did Hoseok end up with a dad like that?

              A week later, Jimin's POV
I was sleeping comfortably in my bed until I was shaken awake. "Jimin, wake up! It's time for us to get ready for school! You've been making me go so now that the stitches have been removed it's your turn!" The voice spoke as they continued to jostle my body. I swatted my hand at them before covering my head with the blue blanket Yoongi bought me. I pulled Yoonie closer to me and tried to go back to sleep.
"Ugh Jimin wake up!" I began to recognize Yoongi's voice. He pulled the blanket from my body and then grabbed my ankles. "You can either wake up or I'll drag you out of bed!" Yoongi warned me. That seemed to work as I sat upright quickly. My hair was a mess and I looked disheveled. Yoongi laughed quietly and then left my room.
Well it's my first day back at school. I wonder how Taehyung is doing? I crawled out of bed and began to get dressed. I was running later than usual and almost fell down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw that Yoongi had made breakfast for us. "Jimin, hurry and eat. We have to be at school soon!" Yoongi said while eating his plate of pancakes.
Awe he can cook? This is almost better than dad's breakfast!
We quickly ate and got into his car and drove to school. Dang I forgot my jacket! It's so cold! I mentally complained. When we got out of the car I began shivering. I felt a warm, light weight be dropped on my shoulders. I found Yoongi's leather jacket sat on my shoulders. I opened my mouth to speak but Yoongi just lifted a finger to his lips to tell me not to speak. Instead I mouthed 'thank you!' and pulled the jacket closer to me as we walked inside the school.
Yoongi and I parted ways to our lockers. Once I made it to my locker the door was slammed closed. My leather-clad form was twisted around and I found it to be Hoseok. He grabbed my wrist dragged me into the bathroom and screamed for everyone else to leave. Two guys ran out and then Hoseok locked the door.
He's gonna kill me this time, isn't he?
Contrary to what I thought, Hoseok began sobbing into my shoulder. He tried to tell me some as he cried but it was all unintelligible. Hesitantly I put my arms around him and sat us down on the bathroom floor. I rubbed his red hair to try to soothe him enough so he could speak properly but it took a while. I reached up and grabbed some paper towels and handed them to him.
            The first thing he said to me was a quiet, "Thank you Jimin!" Before he began to cry again.

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