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Yoongi's POV
I've been in school for almost fourteen years and I still don't get why we must be put in nice, neat rows and have useless information shoved down our throats. Why can't we learn anything that could actually help us in the real world like how to file taxes, get insurance, how to protect ourselves. Instead we have to learn about stupid fractions and slope.
The bell rung and pulled me out of my thoughts. I quickly collected my books and bag and made my way to the lunchroom. Unknowingly, I scanned the room for the cotton candy pink hair of Jimin. He was sat in the corner by himself. Why is Jiminie by himself? What happened to the taller boy who almost tackled me?
I got my lunch and walked over to his table but by the time I sat down, Taehyung and a new girl had taken seats there. I slid my tray onto the table and sat down beside Jimin. Taehyung and the girl seemed surprised to see me have such a bright face as I sat beside the younger.
Feeling a little nervous I asked, "What? Is there something on my face?" I wiped my hands over my face and found nothing. Taehyung spoke up first, "It's not what's on your face, but rather what's not on your face. There isn't a scowl or glare, but a bright smile! You don't seem angry at the world like the weeks prior when Jimin was in-" I quickly shut Taehyung up by covering up his mouth.
Suddenly something wet touched my hand and I screamed and wiped my hand on his shirt. "Ew ew oh god take your spit back I don't know what you've had in there!" I pulled out hand sanitizer and Taehyung laughed. After cleaning my hands I asked, "So Taehyung, who is she?"
He smiled and a gleam appeared in his eyes as he began explaining, "This is Alexandria, she's new here. She moved here from England almost three months ago. She's my girlfriend and soulmate!" The girl I now knew as Alexandria gave a cute smile and a wave to Jimin and I. I waved back and turned to Jimin.
    "How's your first day back, Jimin? Has Hoseok- or anyone else for that matter- tried to do anything mean to you?" I asked. Jimin seemed like he was going to speak before he was cut off by his best friend. "Ha, like anyone would have the guts to be mean to Jimin anymore! Word has spread around the school that you two are soulmates. No one is dumb enough to try to hurt Jimin, now not even Hoseok. Nothing can get to Jimin except for you and him." That last sentence Taehyung said sent chills down my spine.
What does he mean "nothing can get to Jimin except for me and himself." Is Jimin okay? Does Jimin have a bad past mentally as a result of Hoseok?

   Jimin's POV
I swear if Taehyung does not shut up I'm gonna throw this fry at him!
Taehyung didn't shut up when I'd hoped. I threw the fry at him as hard as I could. He saw me raise my fry and caught it before eating it.
     "Ugh shut up and let me hit you Taehyung! Some things are private!" I whined. Taehyung laughed again and apologized while hugging me.
    "Awe I'm sorry Jimin! I won't spill your secrets anymore unless you tell me to!" Taehyung said.
         -The school day passed quickly and it was time to leave school-
    I shoved my books back into my locker before slamming it. I made sure I had Yoongi's jacket zipped up around me. Clumsily, I dropped my keys looked to the ground to find Yoongi panting from running. "Yoongi? Why did you run? We agreed to meet at the front doors so you could drive us home." I questioned. Yoongi caught his breath before replying, "Jimin, I came to get you so I could make sure no one would hurt you! And so you don't strain yourself too much!" He grabbed my backpack with one arm then grabbed my hand with his free hand.
What happened to "oh it can just be platonic!"? Did he forget it? Well, two can play at this game, Yoongles!
I went to intertwine our fingers but he seemed to have realized what he'd done. He quickly let go of my hand and grabbed his keys to unlock his car. We got in the car and he was the first to speak as he drove us home.
"So you didn't get a chance to answer my question earlier today. How was your first day back?" He asked.
"Oh, today went pretty well. Well, I almost got in trouble with the teacher for taking to Taehyung. The teachers gave me an exemption for what I missed but still told me to learn what I missed from Taehyung. Oh yeah! Earlier this morning I was late to first period." I spoke.
"Wait why were you late? Jimin, I drove you here myself, you shouldn't have been able to be late to class!" Yoongi said.
"Well I was late because of Hoseok-" I was cut off by Yoongi. "Why did Hoseok make you late? Jimin, I thoughta you said today went well. What did he do to you? Did he say anything." He asked with concern and worry coating his words.
"If you would stop interrupting me, maybe I could get something out! Hoseok didn't hurt me again, Yoongi. He apologized." Yoongi pulled into the driveway safely before turning to me with shock written on his face.

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