Run away

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Jin's Point Of View
  "You don't really mean that, do you Jin?" She questioned, tearing up. "If you're going to attempt to come into the lives of my family, you will learn some respect. You can't be let loose with that mouth of yours, it always got you in trouble and difficult situations. I don't care that you've seemly came back from the dead, if you aren't the Jisoo I remember, the door is unlocked and ready for you to leave!" Jin growled. "You can't say that's you've lost all feelings for me like that, Jin" She teasingly said.
    "I can and I have." I monotonously stated as I opened the door. "Fine, I don't need you. I still have NamJoon." She said as she made her way through the door, "Oh and my color vision." She cackled out as she left to her car. I shut the door after she left and slid my back down it. I hate her so much I thought as I began to weep. This will all blow over in a few hours, I'm just sleep deprived and it's making me feel emotions I haven't felt in a long while. I need to sleep. I thought as I walked to my bed. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't refrain from crying myself to sleep. I thought I was over her I helplessly thought before sleep consumed me.
Yoongi's Point Of View
What did I just see? I thought as I walked home. As soon as I walked in the door my parents began yelling at me. "Min Yoongi where the heck were you? You weren't out there doing that silly rapper dream, right? Why do you have so many bags with you, did you rob a place?" I began to tune my parents out and made my way upstairs to my room. Oh my god they actually did it they got rid of my whole dresser! I sat my bags down then ran out of my room.
  "Mom, where's my dresser?" I asked incredulously. "We knew you hid the songbooks in there so we tossed it out. A replacement dresser will be here tomorrow!" My mom chirped. I ran back upstairs to grab Jimin's bags and some clothes for me. "That's it! I don't want to be a stupid doctor! I am passionate about my music! I hate this! Mom I'm leaving and so help me god if either of you come to find me I will ruin the Min name! Oh and guess what, my soulmate is a guy! Screw off!" I shouted as I ran out the door to find that dresser. I was searching for an hour until I found the charred remains of my dresser.
Ha she thought she could burn the dresser and the books would be destroyed. Idiot, you were the one to buy me a fireproof lockbox. I laughed out loud as I ran to get back the box of books. I picked up the box and unlocked it, seeing the other five books safe from the flames that ate my dresser.
I just ran away from home, where do I go? Should I go visit Jimin again although I just saw him six hours ago? Yeah I should I could leave his bear, blanket, and socks in his room for him. I began to make my way back to the hospital to see Jimin. I still haven't slept, it's been over twenty four hours, I need to go to sleep. I thought as I made my way into the hospital's cafeteria to buy a coffee. I got my coffee and made my way to Jimin's Intensive Care Unit room, his items still in their bags on my arms.
I got to the door and couldn't gather the courage to open it. I was the one who tried to stop Hoseok, Jimin didn't want me to. Because I ended my friendship with Hoseok, Jimin got hurt. Because of my actions Jimin got hurt. "I'm sorry Jimin!" I cried once again as I entered his room and sat in a chair beside him. I opened the bags and put the soft blanket and socks on Jimin, not liking how the bleached white blanket looked on his already pale skin.
A nurse walked in and seemed surprised to see me back so soon. She began to check his vitals on the machines and check his IV drip. "Everything is normal with Mr. Park." She stated as she left the room. I pulled a chair beside Jimin's bed and fell asleep, grasping his hand.
*Yoongi's Point Of View, Dream*
I was running through alleys trying to find Jimin, instead of him being on the cold ground as I found him I was watching him being beaten by Hoseok. Hoseok grabbed Jimin by the collar and threw him at the brick wall of the alley. Hoseok had begun beating Jimin once he collapsed. I tried running to Jimin to stop it but I couldn't move. "Hoseok stop this! This isn't the sweet boy I once knew, this isn't you! Why are you hurting Jimin so much? He didn't do anything to you! It was all me! Please! Hoseok stop it!" Finally learning I would never be able to stop the abuse, I dropped to the floor and began to loudly sob. Not like he will hear me and stop I thought.
I had to sit through hours of watching Jimin get flung into the wall or punched in the face. His adorable little face is hues of purple,blue,and black. Is this how it happened? So ruthlessly? So cold heartedly? I had cried until I couldn't cry anymore. The tears had long since dried up, leaving dry sniffles behind as I hear Jimin's screams of pain. Please make this stop! Anyone, please!

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