Aspirations and Old Lovers

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Jin's Point Of View
"I want to be a rapper or a producer." Yoongi said lowly, I almost didn't hear him. "A rapper or a producer? Really?" I questioned. "Yeah. It's been my dream since I was twelve to make music." Yoongi spoke in the same low tone. "That's amazing, have you written anything?" I inquired, genuinely wanting to know. "Oh yeah I have. I've written about six notebooks full of songs but haven't found the right company to apply to." Yoongi replied.
   "Jimin really loves music, it's all that's gotten him through the past few years alive. He had found an underground rapper he enjoyed a lot. I think his name was Gloss? I don't know for sure but he always told me about how closely he related to the music. Jimin would definitely enjoy you being a musician, so don't believe that he, nor I, would think lowly of you. Just do what you love, Yoongi." I calmly spoke with a small smile on my face.
"So it's okay that I'm becoming a musician? A rapper?" Yoongi asked again to make certain. "Yoongi it is more than okay, music can bring people together and out of hardships. I know when I was your age I needed music to stay alive, so for you to be helping the next generation? It's amazing!" I exclaimed then took a drink of water.

Yoongi's Point Of View
Should I tell him I have one of my songbooks? Maybe he could give me feedback for a song? But I've only just met Jin, these songs are all very precious to me. A little feedback couldn't hurt right? "Jin I have my newest songbook with me, do you want to hear the latest song I wrote?" I said hesitatingly. "You'd let me read your lyrics? Absolutely! Pass them over here, I'll tell you what I think if you want to hear it." Jin said with excitement lacing his voice. I passed over the lyrics to my now finished song, Blood, Sweat and Tears.
It took Jin a moment to read through the lyrics a few times before he bursted into quite excited speaking, "Yoongi these are amazing! You're definitely meant to be a lyricist, don't ever give this up! I love these lyrics, have you thought of a melody yet?" "Oh uh, no not yet. It takes a while for the melody to pop in my head but I was thinking a kind of electronic vibe to it but also very smooth at the same time?" I described to Jin.
  "Ooh it sounds like a nice song." Jin complimented. Just then the doorbell rung, and Jin got up to answer the door. I couldn't see who was at the door but I saw Jin go rigid at the sight of whoever was outside. "...Jisoo?" Jin stuttered out.
Jin's Point Of View
But I watched her die, like actually die. I can only see in black and white now, how is she here? I was incredibly in love with Jisoo but I watched her die. I've had time to mourn, how is she here? Am I dreaming? "Jisoo, how are you here? How are you even alive? I watched you get hit by that truck! I can't see in color, you can't be alive right now!" I exclaimed, trying not to cry at the sight of who I thought was dead. I let her in the house and as soon as the door shut behind her I broke down completely. The love of my life who I believed to be dead was sat in front of Yoongi and I on the other couch.
"Jinnie, I don't know how it happened either. I know I died but apparently my heart started to beat again after it severed the soulmate link to you. I found my soulmate again recently, and he's quite kind too. You might know him, he's from around here. Kim NamJoon? Ah you probably don't know him, but I've fallen for him. He's mute but I don't mind it, I'm learning sign language so we can communicate better." Jisoo said after sitting down. Yoongi looked quite confused as to what was happening in front of him. "Jin I think I'm going to go, this seems kinda private between you two so I don't want to intrude. Bye Jin." Yoongi slowly said as he made his way out the front door with his bags for Jimin. "Okay, bye Yoongi!" I replied before looking back at Jisoo.
"Kim NamJoon? Does he have a son named JungKook?" I questioned, wanting to know if my new friend was actually the new soulmate of my ex soulmate. "Yeah he does actually. Have you met him before?" Jisoo inquired. "Yeah I've met him, we just met yesterday actually. We met at a carnival and he helped me find my son who was missing. Now my son, Jimin, is in the hospital in a coma. Come to find out that Jimin had been being bullied and now his bully has beat the crap out of him badly enough for the hospital to put him in a coma. Jimin and JungKook seemed like they could be pretty good friends,JungKook won Jimin a cute plushie." I retold how I met NamJoon and JungKook.
"Wait, Son? You had a son since I left?" She asked incredulously. "I adopted him when he was four, it was supposed to be a cute adoption surprise for us because you're infertile and we really wanted a son. The day you got hit I was coming to surprise you by telling you we had a kid now. I almost put Jimin back into the adoption agency but decided I had already made the commitment and had to follow through. I'm glad I did because he is such a sweet boy and he met his soulmate a few days ago. That was him on the couch a few minutes ago by the way." I tried to continue speaking but she intercepted me.
"Wait did you say Jimin has a male soulmate? And Jimin is a male too? That doesn't happen, they have to be able to conceive a kid, they're a pair of guys! That's disgusting, how are you letting him still live here knowing he's gay?" Jisoo spat the last word out like venom. Ooh that's it, I may have loved you once. I may have loved you a decade ago but that's just it. A decade ago! I love Jimin now, he's my son. If she's going to be really homophobic like everyone else then she needs to leave as soon as possible.
"Alright if you're going to try to come into my son and I's life and be a really homophobic piece of trash, just leave. We don't need you at all. Get. Out. Now." I said, loosing my patience.

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