Chapter 2

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The gang traveled at sea for days before finally arriving in Auradon. 

"Oh, finally!" Cynthia moaned out of exhaustion, looking a little pale and green once their ship docked in the harbor. 

Ann was happy, taking in the fresh Auradon air as they got off the boat. "It's good to be back here!"

"Yeah" Brock sighed in agreement with his twin sister. 

As the gang started walking, Ari suddenly started hearing those strange voices again inside her head. She shook her head, trying to make them go away but they didn't. 

What did these voices mean?...

Ari pondered on this until the gang snapped her back into focus as they arrived in front of the school, where they were shocked to discover how many reporters were around. 

"Whoa! What's with all the reporters?" David questioned. 

"Maybe they're all excited about Cotillion too" Ann guessed. "It is only in three days"

The gang then looked over and spotted Ben. "Hey, Ben!" They all called out and waved to him. 

"Oh, hey guys" Ben greeted as he walked up to the group. "It's so good to have you all back" he smiled. 

"It's good to be back" The adult adventure kids admitted, smiling back. 

Elsa then came forward and bowed to Ben. "It is my honor to be here for your Royal Cotillion"

"You're majesty. It's my pleasure that you've traveled many days to come here" Ben bowed respectively back to the ice queen of Arendelle. 

"Say, where's Audrey?" Teeders asked, while the rest of the adventure kids looked around and noticed Audrey was nowhere to be seen. 

"She's away on vacation with Flora, Fauna and Merryweather" Ben replied. 

The adventure kids secretly sighed a relief, glad that Audrey was gone. One brat (Chad) was annoying enough. 

The gang's attention was then brought back over to the reporters as they were flooding around a girl with blonde hair, asking her all these questions. 

Ari and the adventure kids all squinted their eyes, trying to get a better look at the girl when they realized to their shock... 

"Is that Mal?!" David asked out of disbelief. 

"Since when did she dye her hair blonde?" Brock questioned, taking especially great notice of that. 

Ben chuckled, explaining. "She's been real busy lately, being a Lady of the Court and all now" 

"We can see that" Ari replied to her friend, smirking. 

Kali frowned, feeling sorry for Mal. She could just sense that the poor VK looked to be under so much pressure, but no one seemed to notice. 

Ben went to go help Mal out with the reporters after the gang overheard one of them ask if Maleficent was still a lizard. 

"At times like this, I'm glad I'm not a royal" David joked. 

The rest of the gang laughed at David's joke, before they continued making their way through the school. As they came up to the building's entrance, they looked up to see a TV screen above them showing an interesting news report. 

"Look who's on TV~" Ann noticed. 

The gang looked to see Mal and Ben on TV, discussing everything that's happen since they've been together, including their recent dinning with Aladdin, Jasmine and their son Aziz. 

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