Chapter 7

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After the song, the group continued on before Ben bumped into someone. 

"Hey, man" Gil greeted. "Hey, I know you"

The rest of the gang quickly rushed over to Ben. 

"Uh, no" The adventure kids lied, trying to hide Ben's identity. 

"Don't know you either man" Ben added to Gil. 

"Really? Dude, I'll give you a hint. My dad is quick, slick, and his neck... is incredibly thick" Gil told the gang. 

The adventure kids looked annoyed at how dumb Gil could be, like when his dad won't stop asking Belle to marry him. 

"Listen Gil, we don't have time to listen to your dumb talk, so bug off!" Ciara warned Gil, attempting to scare him away. 

But Gil then noticed a poster of Ben with Mal and realized something. 

"Oh! You're King Ben!" Gil gasped loudly. 

"Okay, let's go!" Evie told the others and they all quickly went off. 

"Yeah, you're totally are King Ben, and those adventure kids who helped defeat my dad. And you're J-Jay, Carlos, Evie. Hey, guys" Gil said as they left, but then realized something before grinning sneakily. 

"Oh, Uma's gonna love this!" 

The gang soon arrived at Mal's secret hideout while Jay tossed a rock at a sign which made a door open, showing a secret staircase. 

"Whoa..." Ari and the adventure kids were intrigued, never seeing a hideout quite like this before. 

"Wish me luck" Ben told the others, before climbing up the stairs to go talk to Mal. 

The gang waited around until Ben would come back. Some of them were bored, while Carlos and Ciara did some catching up together. 

Soon, Ben came back down. 

"So? How'd it go?" David asked him. 

"Where's Mal?" Ann added. 

"She's not coming" Ben replied sadly, walking off from the gang. 

"What?" The rest of the gang frowned. Ben couldn't have failed. 

Evie tried talking to Mal since she was her best friend, but Mal still wouldn't listen. Not even to Evie. 

"GO AWAY!" Mal's voice yelled. 

Evie frowned, feeling heartbroken her best friend didn't even want to see her. 

"Let's give her a couple hours to cool off" Jay suggested, putting his hand on Evie's shoulder. 

The whole gang felt distressed about this as they all sat down. 

"I can't believe it..." Ari said, feeling sad that Mal was refusing to come back with them. 

"Poor Mal..." Ciara hung her head. 

"Guys?" Carlos then asked the others a bit hesitantly. "You don't think Mal will go back to being evil, do you?" 

The rest of the gang suddenly narrowed their eyes, arguing. "No way!" 

"Mal will never turn evil again!" Brock defended. 

"Either way, being evil has always been a part of who she is" Kali explained. "And even if she does choose evil again, we'll still support her. Because that's what friends do"

"Kali's right" Evie smiled. 

Music was soon heard as the gang started singing another song. 

"If there's one thing we're sure of" Kali started. 

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