Chapter 11

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That night, Cotillion had started as everyone was out on a yacht in the middle of the ocean. 

Ari soon came down to her family, letting them see her in this nice fancy dress she was wearing that Evie and Cynthia had designed for her. 

"You look so beautiful, just like your mom" Kristoff complimented to his daughter. 

"Thanks, Dad" Ari smiled back at her father. 

"Ari, we're very proud of you" Anna told her daughter, being so proud to how grown up she'd become. 

Ari smiled back at her family, before her little brother Christoper soon started tugging on Elsa's arm. 

"Come on Aunt Elsa, lets dance" He told her. 

"Oh, I don't know" The Ice queen was a bit hesitant. "You know I don't dance"

"Oh, pleeeease" Chris begged, making the pouty face. 

Elsa soon sighed, knowing she couldn't say no to a pouty face. "Oh, alright. Just this once" 

The two of them then went out to join the rest of the crowd and started dancing while the rest of the Frozen family looked on, smiling. 

Ciara soon came down and joined Carlos. The two were still sad that Ciara would have to leave after this. 

The party was great as most people were dancing. Sven and Olaf helped themselves to the food table. Princess Sofia of Enchancia, who was now an adult even made a special appearance. Kali smiled to see that everyone was enjoying themselves, but then the adventure girl frowned a little, only wishing that Mikey was here with her. 

Then a rumor started floating around that someone farted in the punch bowl. The adventure kids looked specifically over to David who was grinning sheepishly. On the other hand, more good news was that Mal was feeling a bit better. 

King Adam and Queen Belle soon came down while trumpets blew and everyone turned up towards the top of the staircase as Mal was about to make her entrance. 

"The future Lady Mal!" Lumiere introduced, before Mal then came out in her dress, presenting herself to everyone. 

Everyone started cheering and clapping for Mal as she came down the stairs. 

"She actually looks quite great" Anna noted. "I can hardly even tell she's-"

"A villain?" Elsa answered for her sister. 

"Lucky for you though, you don't hold back first impressions" Kristoff teased his wife who smirked back at him. 

Mal then came over to her friends while the adventure kids watched. 

"Mal looks so happy" Ann smiled. 

"Yeah" Brock and David agreed. 

"Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure about that..." Kali said, still having a sneaky suspicion something was gonna go wrong. 

"Please, Kali, don't get started" Teeders begged her friend, starting to become anxious. 

The trumpets soon blew again as Ben was now coming. 

"King Benjamin!" Lumiere announced. 

Ben then came out, looking like a true king while everyone stood there staring at him in awe. Ben came down towards Mal and they both bowed to each other. 

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain" Ben told the purple haired girl. 

Everyone soon looked back and to their shock, they saw Uma come out in a glittery dress, meaning only one thing. Uma came down besides Ben while he kissed her hand. 

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