Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, on the Isle of the Lost~

A young boy, who looked to be a prince due to his appearance, was making his way through the crowd. 

Although this mysterious yet handsome boy was a prince, he did anything but act like one. Which is why he was evil. 

The prince soon spotted a certain pirate boy with a hook hand and his two sisters heading towards a tavern known as Ursula's Fish and Chips. 

This devious prince had come to this place for one specific reason, informing of an evil plan. 

The prince boy soon followed behind the pirate siblings inside the tavern. He grimaced at first at the smell of fish when he came in. The other pirates couldn't help but stare at the prince boy a bit since they hadn't seen him around these parts much. 

The prince boy came up to a chair at the bar and cleaned it off before sitting down on it. A girl then came by, serving out food to people like a common waitress. 

"Hey! I wanted the fried clams!" One customer complained. 

"And I wanted a sea pony!" The girl replied sarcastically back at the customer with a glare. "Life ain't fair!" 

The girl soon came back over to the pirate boy and his sisters, who were her friends while the prince boy watched them. 

"What's a prince got to do to get a drink around here?" He asked a bit impatiently as the girl with turquoise like colored hair passed by him. 

The girl stopped and turned to the prince boy, scowling. "Harold, of the Smothern Isle. For a prince from the Isle, you still somehow find a way to remain handsome" she complimented, but in a mocking manner. 

"Uma," The prince boy, now known as Harold started. "Still taking orders from your mother to serve out people fish guts?" he taunted. 

"And it's 'Southern' Isle" He then clarified. 

They soon turned back as Mal caught their attention on the TV. Uma grabbed some food and threw it at the TV screen while the pirate siblings, who turned out to be the daughters and son of Captain Hook, Harriet, Harry and CJ, watched her. 

"Poser" Uma muttered about Mal. 

"Traitor!" CJ added. 

"Hello?!" Uma asked the rest of her crew who were all not paying attention. 

Everyone then jeered and started throwing food at the TV screen. 

"Oh, I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces" Harry told his sisters and friends. "You know what I mean?"

"Gil!" Uma scolded the son of Gaston. "You want to quit choking down yolks and get with the program?"

Harold cringed in disgust at how Gil was scarfing down his rotten eggs. 

"Yeah..." Gil replied, sounding dumb. "What they said" 

Uma then turned back to Harold, scowling again with a groan. "What do you want?" 

The Hook siblings came over to join Uma, sounding interested. 

"Well, well, look who it is..." Harry said, seeing Harold. 

"It's Harold!" Gil stupidly cut in. "You can clearly tell by-"

"I know it's Harold you nitwit!" Harry yelled at Gil in anger. "I was trying to sound sinister!" 

"Still enjoying your perfect little princely duties and finger foods?" CJ teased Harold. 

"Only you could make it not being washed up on the dirty shore" Harriet, the oldest Hook sibling taunted. 

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