Chapter 12

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Uma was enraged and tried to grab the wand from Fairy Godmother. 

"Oh no you don't!" Ari raised her hands out and blasted Uma with her fire powers, knocking her to the ground. 

But then something took over Ari's mind as she had a hard time concentrating, hearing the bad voices inside her head again. 

The guards soon came, causing for Uma to retreat as she came up to the edge of the ship and looked like she was about to jump overboard. 

"No! Stop!" Mal came up to try and stop Uma. "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me, because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want"

Uma thought about what Mal said for a moment, while the adventure kids looked to see that this VK really did want to be more than just a villain. But Uma's pride got in her way before she climbed over the rail and jumped straight into the ocean. 

"No! Uma!" Mal cried, while everyone ran up and looked over the edge of the railing in shock. 

Suddenly, a whirlpool formed in the water and kept growing bigger and bigger until it burst, splashing everybody as Uma came out, laughing evilly as the sea witch girl turned into a giant octopus like monster. 

Olaf screamed in fear, pointing out at Uma. "Ah! The monster's back!!" 

"True love's kiss won't defeat this!" Uma told Mal. "The world will know my name!"

The sea witch girl laughed again before using her tentacles as whips to attack everyone. Everyone screamed in a panic. Ari wanted to help, but she couldn't due to the evil voices in her head trying to take over. 

The adventure kids groaned while dodging Uma's slimy tentacles. "Where's Moana when you need her?!" 

Mal's eyes were soon glowing green as she glared straight at Uma. 

"Mal?..." Ben and the others looked to the purple haired girl, becoming worried for her. 

A cloud of purple soon covered up Mal and turned her into a dragon, just like her mother. 

"Come on, Mal!" Uma taunted. "Let's finish this once and for all!"

A fierce fight broke out between the two villain girls while everyone continued screaming though all the chaos. 

"This is even worse then the time the Preeminent nearly destroyed all of Ninjago" Brock mentioned. 

People screamed as the ship shook and waves were about to crash down on them. 

"Watch out!" David cried. 

"Get back! Get back!" Elsa and Anna quickly moved everyone away from the crashing waves that nearly hit them.

Ben watched with horror as this was getting out of hand. Until suddenly, he roared, letting out his inner beast and jumped into the ocean. 

"Ben! No! Ben!" The adventure kids and other VKs called out to him. 

"What is he doing?!" Ciara said, thinking Ben was crazy. 

"Mal, Uma!" Ben swam in between the two girls to stop the fighting. "Stop!"

Uma laughed in mockery. "What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?" 

"That's enough!" Ben told the sea witch girl. "It's got to stop! This isn't the answer!"

Uma and Mal didn't seem to listen though as they kept glaring at each other. 

"We have to help!" Ann said, about to jump off the yacht into the ocean. But Kali stopped her. 

"No" The lead adventure girl told the gang. "This is between Ben, Uma and Mal"

The others frowned a little, but knew Kali was right. All they could do, was watch.

"The fighting has got to stop!" Ben tried to reason with Mal and Uma. "Nobody wins this way!"

Ari was trying to fight off these mysterious voices as her powers were starting to get out of control to the point where she could accidentally hurt someone. But then, she started to hear these positive voices as she saw how Ben was trying to bring Mal and Uma together. She soon felt that these voices were telling her to encourage Ben, knowing he could stop the girls. And she could help too. 

Soon, everyone seemed to notice Ari's dress and whole body began to glow as she had embraced these mysterious voices and let her powers free. 

"Mal! Uma!" Ari called to them, getting their attention. "This has to stop!"

The two girls stopped and looked to Ari for a moment. 

"We have to listen and respect each other" The fire powered princess told Mal and Uma while her eyes were glowing. "It won't be easy, but we gotta try and be brave enough together" 

Everyone listened to Ari while this made her family smile proudly to her.

"Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle" Ben told the sea witch girl. 

Uma looked to him in silence. 

"Help me make a difference" Ben said to Uma, offering her his hand.  

Uma looked to Mal who snarled at her in her dragon form while everyone else seemed shocked about Ben's offer to Uma. Uma then handed Ben something from her tentacle, which was his ring. 

Everyone looked confused as Uma then disappeared under water and decided to leave. 

"Is that it?..." Teeders asked, thinking Uma was gone for good. 

"I don't know" Ciara replied. 

"Wherever she's going, I have a feeling it won't be the last time we see her" Kali said, having a strong sense Uma would be back.  

"Some villains never change..." Ann sighed. 

David and the others soon brought out a ladder for Ben to climb up back onto the boat. 

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