Chapter 6

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Later on, the gang had by now informed a plan to go to the Isle after everyone else went to sleep and bring Mal back. 

Kali had told Twilight and the other ponies to stay in Auradon, knowing they'd be much safer there then they would on the Isle. 

"Good luck" Twilight and the other mane 5 told the adventure kids as they were preparing to leave. 

"We'll need it" Ann muttered, sounding very much like Cynthia. 

She and some of the other adventure kids had been taking over for Cynthia after she disappeared. When the VKs questioned about it, the adventure kids replied they were actually glad Albert had taken Cynthia away for now, enjoying a break from all the fashionista's annoying bickering. Although David did miss her a little. 

The adventure kids, Ben and the others soon snuck out to the car as it was starting to become dark out. 

"Okay" the gang checked over to make sure they had everything they need. 

Ben then looked over to the adventure kids a little concerned, asking them. "Now are you sure you guys want to do this?" 

Kali gave Ben this look. "Ben, remember who you're talking to. We are the adventure kids! We lived for almost two years in the jungle with a lion, meerkat and warthog, surviving only off of bugs and you're concerned if we can handle this?" Kali explained. 

David cracked his knuckles, looking confident as always. "This is gonna be a walk in the park"

"Yeah! It's nothing we can't handle" Brock and Ann added, reminding that the adventure kids were always up to any challenge. 

"Besides, the Isle is like a tricky maze. You could get totally get lost in there without our help" Teeders reminded. 

Ben then smiled to the long-time adventuring adults, glad to have them on board in helping Mal. 

Ari then came down the steps to the gang, with Dude following not far behind her.

The feisty fiery princess came up to the gang, telling them. "I'm coming with you guys"

"Ari, no. The Isle is too dangerous" The adventure kids and others told her. 

"Hey, I'm coming whether you like it or not. Mal's my friend too, you know" the stubborn princess argued. "And besides, my parents and aunt have always taught me, 'Do the wrong thing, but for the right reason'" 

"So you're disobeying them?" Teeders said to Ari, knowing that her family had forbidden her to ever go to the Isle. 

"Well, technically it's not disobeying if they don't know about it..." Ari defended.  

The adventure kids however gave the fire princess that long look. 

"Okay, fine, so I'm disobeying them" Ari admitted. "But for the reason, they'll be glad I did. You'll see. My mom would do the same thing for her sister" 

The adventure kids chuckled, knowing she was right on that. Everyone was soon ready to go, until...

"Wait!" Evie stopped everybody. "Something's wrong"

The blue haired girl looked at Ben for a moment and soon adjusted his hat. "There"

"Okay, lets do this" David was ready for action. 

"Shotgun!" Dude said. 

Everyone else but Carlos turned to the dog with wide eyes and in shock. 

"No, Dude. Stay" Carlos told his dog.

"Did he just..." Teeders started, still surprised.  

"Talk? Yeah, I know" Carlos replied. "Tell you later"

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