Chapter 5

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Back in Auradon~

Ari was walking by herself down the hallway before she stopped outside a door which lead into an office room. 

Ari knew these strange voices weren't gonna leave her alone, so she decided she was going to try and talk to her aunt about it. Taking a deep breath, Ari opened the door and came in. And there was Elsa, having been busy helping out with King Adam and other leaders with royal decision making for all of their kingdoms. 

Elsa looked up to see her niece coming in. "Oh, hello Ari" she greeted with a smile. 

"Aunt Elsa," Ari started. "I need to ask you-"

"I can't believe one little delivery delay would cause so much trouble for all our neighboring kingdoms" Elsa accidentally cut Ari off without even realizing it. She seemed so caught up in her queenly duties.  

The Ice queen soon looked up to see little sparks flying around her niece, as Ari appeared distressed. 

"What's wrong, Ari?" Elsa came over to her niece in concern. 

Ari looked to her aunt but soon thought now wasn't the best time to tell her about the mysterious voices, so she changed the subject. 

"Oh, nothing" Ari sighed to her aunt. "It's just that, I don't see why we can't bring more VKs over now after the success we've had with Mal, Evie and the others"

"Life is full of tough decisions for everyone, not just for kingdom rulers" Elsa told her niece, explaining. "I face all kinds of problems every day. But I could not worry about which was more important, I just did what I thought was best for Arendelle. And luckily, I had help... And so do you"

"But, you're the queen" Ari said to her aunt, confused. "You've always been able to keep things under control"

Elsa chuckled in reply. "Yes, but it's never easy..."

"Remember when I ran away after the whole kingdom found out about my powers?" Elsa then gave an example from a past story. "Or when the adventure kids helped me while I was trapped in Storybrooke. I had to learn to control my powers on my own without your mother's help for awhile"

Ari giggled, remembering the first story by heart. "Yes. Your ice magic was so cold, David had to eat his own nose boogers just to keep traveling up the mountain with mom and the others"

Elsa then smiled to her niece. "No one is perfect, Ari. Not even royalty" 

"Yeah..." Ari's smile soon went back to a frown, thinking about Mal and Ben with all the new challenges they were facing. 

"I wish Mal and Ben had it much easier" She said quietly. 

"You really do care about your friends" Elsa smiled to her niece. "Don't you..." 

"Yeah. I just wish I could help them" Ari replied. "I know what it's like to be a new leader with new responsibilities" 

"Yes" Elsa nodded, soon smiling to her niece. "That's something else you and I both have in common now..." 

This soon turned into a song for the ice queen and fire princess, while it was also shown how much they've cared for each other since the beginning. 

"This life that we lead" Elsa started singing. 

"In this role of leadership" Ari joined in. 

"Never said it would be easy" Elsa continued.  

"There have been times where I stumble and trip" Ari admitted, remembering when she tried to walk for the first time. 

"And yet you get back up" Elsa said. 

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