Chapter 10

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The gang soon made it back to the school, and thankfully, no one else seemed to know what had happened to them. Nor did they need to. 

Ciara was very intrigued at being here in Auradon for the first time as she looked everywhere in every single direction. 

Once the gang stopped, they got out of the car and walked up to the school, trying to act like everything was normal. 

"Guys! You're back!" Rainbow Dash said as she and the rest of the mane six came running to their friends. 

The adventure kids decided to go off and talk to the ponies in private on all that had happened while Ari went off to find her family, knowing they'd be worried. 

Ben was soon taken away by Jane as they still had plans to look over for tonight's cotillion. Mal looked very uncomfortable and feeling pressured at the mention of cotillion. 

"We need to talk" Evie placed her hand on Mal's shoulder, about to walk off with her. 

"No" Carlos told them while holding Dude in his arms. This made the two girls look back at him confused. 

"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your girl talk stuff or whatever," Carlos began. "And Jay and I are tired of it"

"Uh, I'm not" Jay defended. 

"I don't even know what you're talking about. But I do know is that friends don't keep secrets from each other" Ciara said, feeling a bit hurt whenever her friends would do that. 

"We're your family too. We've been through a lot together. We're not stopping that now, okay?" Carlos told Mal, then he sat down on the ground telling his friends. "Everyone sit"

"Come on... you too" The white haired boy insisted. 

The five VKs soon awkwardly sat down on the ground, not knowing where to start. 

"I don't know how to start girl talk" Carlos muttered embarrassingly. 

Ciara giggled to that a little before Jay tried to play it cool and gave the girls a greeting. "What's up?"

"Mal, tell us what's bugging you" Ciara said to the purple haired girl. 

The daughter of Maleficent was silent for a few moments before she sulked, sounding sad. "I'm a mess... I'm such a mess..." 

The other VKs just sat and listened to their friend. 

"I mean, six months ago, I was, you know, stealing candy from babies, and now everybody wants me to be this Lady of the Court. And I have no idea how to keep up the act" Mal explained, looking like she was going to cry. 

"Then don't" Carlos said. 

"You shouldn't let anyone stop you from being your true self, Mal" Ciara added. 

"We're always gonna be the kids from the Isle" Evie clarified. "I tried to forget it. I really tried, but those are our roots. And we all did what we had to do to survive. But it made us who we are. And we're never gonna be like anybody else here. And that's okay" 

"She's right" Ciara said. 

"We can't fake it" Carlos added. 

"No" Evie shook her head. 

"Yeah, especially without my spell book" Mal muttered. 

"Mal, if Ben doesn't love the real you, then he's not the one" Carlos said. 

"What matters is that you gotta stay true to yourself. Remember what makes you you" Ciara told Mal. "So pay attention, because we're only going to sing this once"

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