Chapter 3 *A.R*

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“You look like you’ve had a good weekend” River winked as he walked past my office.

It was 12.30pm, and I was currently slumped over my desk. My head on numerous books and papers from the Australian Government. This looked totally unprofessional but I was so tired. I jumped at the sound of my bosses voice.

“Sorry, River. Yeah just a bit tired. Apparently my friend’s jet lag hits her weirdly” I apologised trying to make humour on the situation.

He stood their chuckling before coming into my office and pulling up a chair to sit opposite me at my desk. I felt his eyes on me for a few moments as I tried sipped on the coffee that Barbara had brought me. 

“I think you need a bloody mary. Ultimate hangover drink. Come on, drinks on me” He smirked getting up from his seat and walking towards the door.

I stared at him for a few moments. I’d blame it on my tiredness, but I was actually confused at what he meant. 

“But River, it’s 12;30? And aren't you meant to be on a business trip?” I inquired getting up and cautiously following his lead.

He nodded but then went on to talk about how he cancelled it because one of his daughters was ill and he hated being away from his children when they were ill. He was such a family man. When we got to reception, he called a driver over. I wondered why he wasn't going to drive his amazingly fast Aston Martin Vantage, but he told me he was going to have drink. Clever and responsible. 

Walking down the steps of the Embassy in my tall Louboutin shoes, River put out his arm so that I could hold onto it. Wearing these shoes while half asleep and hungover was not the best idea.

“Kings Road please” River smiled at the driver as he opened the door for me. 

I felt my whole body relax as I sat down on the leather seat. My office chair was ridiculously comfy but oh god this had heated seats too. River went around the other side and sat next to me. 

The car journey was oddly not awkward, I mean considering he had practically just caught me sleeping at my desk.

“So how long were you in Australia?” He asked as the driver pulled up outside a bar on the Kings Road.

“Just over 18 months” I answered.

The driver came around and opened my door so that I could get out, River had rushed around to help me out. I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed that he was having to help me, or flattered that he was such a gentleman. What English charm.

As soon as we walked into the bar, we were escorted to River’s favourite table. The lighting was rather dark which for my head was perfect. I briefly looked at the menu, but went on River’s judgement on the drink. 

“I bet Australia was amazing. Considering I’m the Ambassador, I’ve only ever been twice” He laughed ordering the drinks.

River was born right here in London, Chelsea to be exact and was educated at Eton, which is where the Prince’s went. He worked his way up the scale. But he has also previously been a stoke broker. This man was rather incredible. 

“Yeah I loved being out there, but I was excited to be coming over here. Even it did mean leaving the special people I’d met over there” I replied sipping on the bloody mary that had been ordered for me. The tomato juice was over powering and the celery was an interesting taste. I hope River know’s what he is on about. 

“Ah, so did you have a boyfriend out there?” River responded drinking the Jack Daniels and coke he had ordered.

Do you know what? I could honestly get used to this drinking at midday and River’s company was fun. When he asked that question, my mind first thought of Ashton but then I remembered he wasn't even my boyfriend when I left for England. 

“I did yes, but I broke up with him literally as I went through security” I blushed.

The drink was actually starting to kick in. He told me that the tomato juice and celery had revitalising  vitamins, and that my body was too busy trying to get rid of the old alcohol that it was not noticing the alcohol in the bloody mary. 

“No! Why? I feel like I am more of a friend to you than a boss sometimes” River laughed rubbing his forehead.

I chuckled shaking my head. I liked that I could talk to him like a friend but also admire him at the same time.

“It’s fine don’t worry. I still know you’re my boss, I like it. I don’t know, well I do. Basically just before I went through to the terminal something changed and I realised a lot of things. It just summed up everything in my head. It sounds mental right?” I said realising how stupid I probably sounded. 

“Well at least you still see me as your boss then all is good. Oh, no I understand. Sometimes it just takes one action for everything to click into place. So L.P, she’s your…?” River responded trailing off at the end. 

“Best friend. Well she’s actually my ex boyfriends best mates girlfriend. But now she’s my bestfriend. Seriously, my little friendship group in Australia was so messed up! But don’t worry, I’m all clean of them now” I assured my boss. 

River didn’t seem too taken by it, and instead ordered two more drinks. Somehow I don’t think I’ll be returning to the embassy today. It was nearly 2pm now. Just as I got out my phone to reply to L.P I looked at River and sneakily took a snap of him, except it wasn't that sneaky. He turned his head just as I pressed to take it. 

“If you wanted a picture with me, all you needed to do was ask” He cheekily winked as the waiter brought out the second round of drinks.

“Nope, this one is fine. L.P, she think’s your hot” I laughed, totally regretting what I had just said. 

River chuckled at my comment, saying ‘Your friend has good taste” but then telling me he was joking. Though I highly doubt he was. He told me to upload it to Facebook and put it in the Embassy photo’s for the end of year book they make. 

I tagged the photo with him in it and the caption “Less than impressed with his  JD and Coke”. I checked the caption with him before pressing post. 

Almost instantly, Barbara liked it. Ashton, Calum and Michael also liked the picture, leaving various comments. A few people from the embassy also liked the photo. I won’t lie, he does look really good in it. 

By the time we had finished our drinks and general chat it was 4pm. Of course, we did have some conversation about work related issues. River got the driver to drop me home first, and that he would pick me up in the morning as my car was still at the embassy. Surprisingly I was alright on my feet as I took the short walk from the car to the lobby. I had no post, or L.P had already collected it and then I made my way up in the elevator.

Calum’s words were still fresh on my mind despite the amazing time I had had with River today. I didn’t really know what to say about it, apart from yes! It was going to be amazing, all the new memories and all the new jokes we would have. I was looking forward to it. 

“L.P I miss you” I heard a familiar voice whine as I entered the penthouse. 

“I miss you too Shmichael” L.P laughed.

I chucked my heels off and ran over to her room where she was on Skype to Michael. His hair was an incredibly bright orange. 

“ALYCE!” Michael screamed as I entered the shot.

Practically throwing myself onto L.P’s bed I smiled at the camera waving at the boy on the screen. 

“I can’t believe you said yes to Calum! You won’t regret it, I swear!!” Michael chimed extremely happy in himself. 

This was going to be perfect. 


Dammmmn, whats gonna be perfect?!

How hot is River though...I would

Hope you like this chapter....any ideas who was at the airport yet?!

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