Chapter 13 - *A.I*

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“You two are going to have to speak eventually” Michael sassed as we walked around the terminal. 

He was right, we were going to have to talk at some point and the moment it was going to happen would be when Calum apologised for being a dick head friend. He had absolutely no right to do this. Calum muttered something under his breath but it was probably bullshit like most of the things that came out of his mouth. 

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I disappeared into a shop to buy some new headphones for the flight. Fuck my life, spending twenty-two hours on a plane with these boys was going to be hard. I knew Michael was in the middle of it but at the same time I knew he had already made his decision that Luke was going to be the victor and at this point I sadly was inclined to agree. 

I know Alyce is gorgeous and totally incredible but why were my friends obsessed with chasing after her. Then again, they do tend to go after what I have. In Year 10, I wore black skinny jeans for the first time and well now look we all where them. I guess I am just one of those people. 

I have to admit I wasn’t as excited as I should have been when they called our gate number. Seeing Calum’s face made me angry especially he smugly spoke on the phone to Alyce. She had no idea I was coming and that girl was a storm on a good day; so I can’t imagine what she was going to be like with Luke, Calum and I all under one roof knowing what she has done. 

“Dude, do you actually still like Alyce?” Michael asked as we stood by the gate ready to exchange our tickets.

Loudly sighing I gave him a look. 

“Why is it so hard to believe that I am in love with her?” I snarked in response. 

He sighed shaking his head. Replying “Because you cheated on her so many times. You don’t do things like that to someone you love”. The annoying thing was he had a point and I had nothing to say back, Michael Clifford had me. However I can’t explain why I did those things but Calum most definitely played a part. 

Upon boarding the plane, I asked if there was any spare seats that I could change too but unfortunately there was not. Meaning I had to spend the next god knows how many hours sitting with Michael and Calum. 

Being the newfound middle man he was, Michael sat in-between Calum and I. I picked the aisle seat which probably annoyed him since he was very much into everything I had. My mind was focused on ignoring him but the only thing I wanted to do was punch that smirk off his stupid squishy face. Refraining from doing such a thing I turned my attention to the inflight entertainment brochure which listed all of the films. I also game up with a coping method in my head. Every time I thought about decking Calum I would think about seeing Alyce and how important this journey was. 

About twenty minutes into the air, Michael decided it would be a good idea to play a game. He wanted to play truth or dare, but the dares are rather limited on the plane so it was basically a game of truths. Or in other words, a way for Michael to grill us. He volunteered Calum to go first. 

“How old were you when you lost your virginity” He asked. Starting off simple I see. 

Calum laughed. Eurgh. Stupid laugh. 

“You know this, 16” Calum replied with his egotistical sounding voice.

The attention then turned to me. Calum’s eyes staring the shit out of me. 

“Ashton…hand job or blow job?” Michael said. 

Was he kidding me? Like that was hardly as simple as Calum’s; I guess he was testing me, not really sure what for though. 

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