Chapter 11 -*A.I*

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Chapter 12


Fuck this for a morning. I'd rather be at home in bed or watching TV. At 11am sharp I was at Calum's with my drum sticks in my hand. Today we were going to have long needed band practice. None of us had really soon much of each other but I don't think it was necessarily anyones fault.

"Dude this is so long. Where is Luke and Michael" I shrugged slouching down into the chair I was sitting in.

It was nearing lunchtime and neither of them had shown up. Most likely Luke just didn't want to show his face; don't blame him really. Michael on the other hand should be here. A music channel was playing in the background and if it wasn't for the Good Charlotte count down I would have left by now. There was absolutely no point in having a band practice if the band didn't turn up.

"Give it 30, if neither are here lets just go do something else? I haven't seen you in ages man" Calum replied.

I could tell he was annoyed that they weren't here, but I was also getting an awkward vibe; he couldn't look me in the eye. Since everything had blown up, Cal and I had worked well on getting our friendship back to where it once was and I have to admit that it was getting there. I had truly missed his banter.

"So how's life? The girlfriend? What was her name?" Calum asked as i tapped away to The Anthem.

My love life was rather shit I won't lie. I had had a few flings here and there but nothing really compared to Alyce. I wish I could go and do that relationship over again. Those mistakes were the worst ones I have ever made. It kills me every time I think of her with another guy. I'm just thankful that she broke up with Luke. He was way to good for her anyway; she needs someone that she can be dirty with.

"Kenzie? Yeah we broke up. It just wasn't right for me" I laughed thinking back to the brief relationship we had shared. It was all based on lust and to be honest I didn't really even like her that much.

Calum laughed in response, he knew me too well but I think he also knew how much I had messed up when it came to Alyce. Everyone saw it but me; I was so obsessed with keeping my reputation that I mistreated her. Seeing her with Luke was definitely an eye opener.

I went on to ask Calum about his love life whether he was seeing or talking to anyone. He shrugged it off, saying there was this girl but he didn't know whether it was going to last or how it was even going to work. Apart from that he didn't go into much detail. Guess she isn't a keeper or isn't made for him. I bet she is too busy chasing another guy.

We both spoke about Alyce and whether either of us had heard anything from her, I told him about the very explicit phone call we had had. To which he seemed incredibly uneasy upon hearing. When I say explicit, it was basically her swearing at me down the phone for running the relationship but what Calum didn't know couldn't hurt him. Calum said that they had been speaking quite a lot, but he didn't always know where her thoughts were because she was always so busy.

I was super proud of her for getting that job, I knew how much she had wanted it and even though it killed me to see her leave I knew it was the right thing. I occasionally like her pictures on instagram and Facebook but apart from that nothing. Alyce however was looking hot in her new lifestyle, she fitted right in.

The conversation died down slightly for a while, though it actually wasn't that awkward. Calum was on his phone as was I. That was until we both read one of Alex's tweets online and burst into fits of laughter. We started laughing about the old times and the trips to the city. I hate myself for doing them while I was with Alyce but they were fun.

We were thinking about calling band practice over when we saw Michael's new hair colour walk around the front of the house. It was now bright blue. Calum got up to let him in and when he came through the door he was dressed in a very unusual t-shirt. He went on to explain that L.P had sent it to him, and was from the actual set of Game of Thrones. I never understand his obsession with that show.

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