Chapter 2 *A.R*

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L.P was finally awake, she only slept half of Saturday but I didn’t mind. I had work to do and I knew she was tired from the travelling. But tonight, tonight we were going out. I had booked a table at the AquaShard restaurant at the Shard. I knew she was going to love it. Like when I went to Australia, I made her write a list of everything she wanted to do. 

Just as I finished my essay on Australian Ruling in the United Kingdom, L.P emerged from her room. She shuffled over to the sofa and threw her body down. I was sat at dining room table doing my work. 

“Jesus they really put you up didn’t they. Where can I join the U.N” She laughed taking an apple out of the fruit bowl on the coffee table. 

She was right, anything I needed they provided. I had a personal driver if I ever needed it, fast track at all events and airports, access to the box’s at Wembley Stadium, The o2 Arena and my absolute favourite; The Emirates. It just so happened that River was a huge Gooner*! 

“Right, you need to get ready. I have made dinner reservations for 7:30pm and the car is picking us up at 7pm,…” I started as I packed my work up. 

I knew exactly what I was going to wear. A jade banded long sleeved mini dress with my favourite heels. I was going to let my hair down and leave it wavy. I stared at her until she got the message that she needed to move and get ready. 

I could hear the shower start up so I thought it would be best if I started to get ready too.


L.P came out of her room towering in black heeled boots. She was wearing a silver wrapped bandeau dress. She was considerably more tanned than I was, it looked stunning. We both got into the lift chatting about where I was taking her before getting into the silver Mercedes Benz. 

The look in her eyes when we pulled up outside The Shard was incredible. She gawked at the sight of the tallest building in Europe. In all honesty it was an amazing building, but the thrill wore off for me when River invited me to the champagne bar a few weeks ago. Now that was brilliant. 

As we were taken to our table next to the huge panoramic windows which gave an outstanding view of the South Bank and the financial district at night we asked if the host would take our picture. Straight away I sent it to Instagram. 

@Laurel-Phoenix30 first night out in London #theshard

“So how’s Michael?” I asked as we browsed the wine menu. 

She smiled at the mention of his name, so I’m guessing really good. They seriously were my favourite couple. In Lorde’s words, I ship them. 

“He’s really good, misses you though. He told me tell you to stop hogging Calum and call him instead! But no, we are going great. Practically have been living together. I told him I loved him before I left. And what about Ashton...I mean how are you about this apparent new girl? Neither Calum nor Mikey seemed to know much about her. I think he is keeping her really under wraps. ” She gazed. 

The waiter came around and we ordered a bottle of their finest champagne to celebrate. We also ordered our starters and main. I was having the pan roasted duck and L.P was having the seared steak. I have to admit that the food here was really good. It topped the experience off. 

“Aw, I’m really happy for you. Heeeey, I did call Michael. It’s not my fault, Cal calls me like every day. He’s my little part of Australia. I dunno how to feel about it, I haven't really given it a second thought” I winked.

Calum and I practically spoke every day, whether it was texting or calling and I really liked it. There was something about him that I really liked and I did miss him so much. I missed them all loads.

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