1. woman

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"I'll need you to work later tonight. I'll pay you." My uncle said

"This is so unfair. Why does everybody else leave? You're always making me stay. I'm going to quit." I argue. This is not happening again.

"Serena, I need you. Now please don't argue and do your job. I could fire you and you need this money for college." My uncle said firmly.

I roll my eyes and take the bartender's place. This is actually the one thing I love doing the most, except when it's too crowded. I mean, it is way better than cleaning or serving clients.

My family is living in a small town near London called Brockenhurst. My mom had quit my dad ten years ago, leaving him with nothing. I had been told she is working for one of the UK's most successful airline companies - I've never been interested in knowing which one. Although my mom had broke all kinds of communication with us, she still sends us 10,000 £ every month, which allowed my older brother Jack to go to Oxford after he was accepted. It is now his third year, and I will shortly join him after I get out of high school.
My dad has always taken good care of us, although I don't see him much. He is always travelling due to business trips, he has been in Scotland for three weeks now. He is also working really hard, but not able to get more than 2000 £ a month.

This is mainly what my life consists of ; going to school, working at my uncle's cafe, going home and sleeping, waiting for my real life to start.

I get out of my nostalgic thoughts when I see a woman I have seen several times before, sitting next to a man, chatting.

"What can I get you?" I ask politely, offering them my best smile.

"Rum and coke. Twice." The man says firmly. Oh, how much I hate it when clients are being like this. Why is it so hard for some people to say 'please'?

I nod and prepare their drinks, giving a discreet look to this woman once again.

I have seen her several times times here before. I have been hypnotised since the moment I saw her ; she is without a questioning the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She has started coming here at least once a week since around three months and I can't help but wonder ; does she live here? Who is she? What is her name? Is she married?

I can't help but stare at her long red curls falling on her shoulders. Her white skin and ocean blue eyes, the ones you could loose yourself in. She is a goddess, everybody had noticed it by now.

She is wearing a long light brown coat, making her look mysterious. I only now notice I have seen her talking to many men, but never seen her smile.

Once I'm ready with their drinks, I carefully give them. I see the man carefully slipping a ten dollar bill and take it. I look at the woman one more time, an action I probably shouldn't have done.

Her blue eyes lock with mine, probably now noticing me, or wondering why I've been looking at her so many times. I wanted to look away, I've never been good with any kind of social interaction, although this is just an eye contact, but couldn't. I've been paralysed, my brown eyes locked into hers and I couldn't get out unless someone made me.

Suddenly, I see the left side of her lips going up, her facial expression forming what could be a sly smile. I can see the play fullness and curiosity in her eyes. She is smirking at me. Why would she do that?

I feel my whole body growing hot and my cheeks reddening, making me break the eye contact. I go behind the bar, behind the numerous boxes of alcohol, trying to get my breathing back to normal. I bring my head to my cheek, it is burning. How could a simple eye contact do this to me? What is she, a magician?

"Everything okay in there?" I hear my uncle's voice, making me scream.

"Oh calm down. What happened?" He asks

"Nothing, I just needed to drink water." I lie

He nods and continues cleaning whatever he was cleaning.

"Ben?" I call him by his name, making him look at me, waiting for my words

"Who is this woman at the bar?" I ask

His eyebrows furrow and makes a couple of steps to look at the people at the bar.

"Why are you so curious?" He sighs, amused.

"I don't know, I've seen her a couple of times and wondered if you knew her." I ask nervously

"Her name is Rose Moreno. Every single person in this town used to know her ; she has been away for three years and she is back now. Only a few remember her." Ben says, making my attention grow.

"Do you know why she left?" I ask

"Apparently she had an affair with the mayor's wife and he kicked her out. Or he was in love with her and she did him bad. Something like that." Ben says

The mayor's wife? Serena liked to believe this version better.

After she recomposed herself, she went back to work.

Unfortunately, Rose wasn't there anymore.

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