20. changes

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"Harry?" I worriedly say as I see my brother standing on my front porch, covered in blood.

He quickly comes in and locks the door behind us. He then sits on the floor and breaks down.

I silently sit next to my brother falling appart next to me, not knowing what is going on.

"Harry what happened?" I try saying

He looks up through his tears and looks at me. "I need to stay here for a while" He says

"Okay, but can you tell me what's going on?"

"Dad's dead." He says through tears and paranoia.

I take a moment to process his words. My dad worked a lot and I missed him, but he called me from time to time to check up on me. He was my only parent.

"What?" I repeat, as if I hadn't heard him clearly the first time. I wanted to wrap my head around this.

Harry tried to put himself together and stands up. He looks at his clothes in horror and takes them off, only keeping his white T-shirt, which was also stained, from a blood that I hope doesn't belong to my dad.

"What happened Harry?" I say, slightly tearing up and he pulls me into a hug.

"I'll tell you just- let's sit down." He says.

We both sit down at the kitchen table and he looks around him. I wait for him to start talking, still in shock. He quickly stands up and goes to the door, making sure it's locked.

"I-I was with dad coming home from a cafe around 6pm. This guy came- He was angry" Harry stutters, but I don't interrupt him.

"He sais that dad owes him money. He never said why. I tried calming him down- He hit me." He continues, trying to keep his cool but failing miserably.

"Dad said he didn't have it." He cries out "He said he needs more time. The guy- I think his name was Julian. Or Jules- He said he had already given him enough time-" He breaks down after this sentence

"He pulled a knife out and-" He says and I understand.

"The guy yelled at me while dad was on the floor and told me that I'm going to give it to him now. 50,000£. He told me if I called the police I would be in trouble. I drove here." He says

"You should stay here." I say

"Thank you." He says, still shocked.

"What happened to dad?" I ask, scared of the answer I might get.

"I told Rafael to tell someone I don't know that they saw a body at the address." He says quickly, this being something harder for him to talk about.

Rafael is Harry's best friend and they would help out each other and cover up for each other ever since they were little. I used to be very close to him too, but now we parted ways and he doesn't really call anymore.

"You know the police will eventually find out its dad and you'll be called in?" I ask, understanding his plan but wondering if he thought of the consequences. "What is someone saw you two together? They would be suspicious of why you weren't the one to call for help. You can't just-"

"It's okay, Serena. I thought of everything. Nobody saw anything. We just need not to get in trouble with this guy." He says

"Why do you think dad owed him so much money?" I ask, concerned

"I don't know. We need to find out together." He says

I nod. "Should I skip school tomorrow?" I ask him. He is only 6 years older than me and I'm a legal adult, but I've always considered him as a parental figure.

"No it's fine. Can I stay here? I'll dig some stuff." He asks me for my approval

"Yeah, of course. I don't think I can go to bed though." I say, knowing I can't peacefully fall asleep after all that just happened.

"It's going to be okay, I promise. Go sleep." He kisses my forehead

"You should take a shower" I say

"Do I stink?" He smiles

"No, just the blood" I sadly smile back

"I will." He says and takes his computer off his bag.

"Goodnight Harry" I say and climb up the stairs

"Goodnight," He says,  already focused on his computer.


Falling asleep was slightly easier than I thought it would be, because this day had been one of the most emotionally draining ones of my life. Waking up on this cloudy Monday morning was harder than I anticipated though.

I quickly get dressed, hoping this day passes quickly. I try not to think of Rose, but it's hard. What is she doing right now? Did she already forget about me?

I put on a black Nike sweatshirt and some jeans and throw my hair in a messy bun, not planning on looking good today.

After I eat a peach and finally arrive to school, I make way to my locker and take my stuff for my few upcoming classes. I look up and see Alissa in the locker next to me. I slightly smile at her and she smiles back.

"Are you okay?" She asks me, seeming honestly concerned.

"Could be better, not gonna lie." I slightly smile

She opens her arms for me and pulls me in a hug. I sigh softly at the affection.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." She says

"Thank you." I try not to tear up.

She pulls away slightly and looks up at me. "Do you want to eat lunch with me today?" She says

"Actually, I'm eating lunch with a friend today- do you know Zack?" I ask her

"Oh yeah, we have English together. Well have fun" She says, and I hope she is not disappointed. I really appreciate it when people show me they care like she just did.

"But, do you want to join us? I would love it if you do." I say, hoping she agrees.

She smiles. "Yeah I would love to,"

I smile back "Okay, see you later then?" I say

"Alright, bye" she chuckles and goes to class.

I start walking in the other direction, carefully checking that I closed my locker. I stop walking when I see a familiar figure talking to other teachers. I panic.

hi all ❤️❤️ hope you enjoyed this chapter. leave your thoughts in the comments !

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