12. talk

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Serena, stop ignoring my calls.

I need to see you.

You really thought you could get away with ignoring me like this?

Serena, this is not funny. Come back, baby.

I miss you.

It took one week for Rose to tell me she misses me. I had been working and going to school. She was not there to pick up any other girls. Thankfully, she hasn't been to my house either. Maybe she has but I haven't opened the door.

I knew ignoring her was childish, but I couldn't keep myself to talk to her about it. What am I even going to say? I am jealous because you're picking other girls up from school and I have no idea what you are doing with them?
I can't afford to say that. Rose and  I are not in a relationship.

Sometimes I hate her for messing with my head so much. I hate her for being the only thing I think about. I hate her for playing with my heart.

"Why have you been ignoring me, baby?" Rose asks me, getting closer to me while smiling sadly.

"I saw you leave with a girl.." I say, my eyes tearing up

Rose looks into my eyes, then looks down. I was right, something happened between them. She isn't even trying to cover it up.

"That's right, I did. Why did it hurt you?" Rose asks me, gently caressing my left arm. I shiver at the contact and inhale.

"It hurt me because I don't like you sleeping with other girls. It makes me feel worthless." I explain. She should know.

"Oh, my love." Rose says and hugs me. Her embrace makes me feel safe, so I start crying.

"You are not worthless. I am willing to give everything up for you. Im so sorry I made you feel this way. I will make it up to you." Rose says softly and kisses my cheek

"I love you" I hear her whisper before everything turns black

I wake up from this dream, sweating and shaking. I sigh and lay back on my pillow. If I explain everything to Rose, the conversation won't go this way. I know it. She will probably tell me I'm crazy.

Now I know I most definitely have feelings for the red head. But why did my subconscious have to make her say "I love you"? That's so intimate.. nobody has ever said this to me before.
I shake the thoughts out of my head and try to fall asleep again.

After what seems like hours, my stupid body is still not able to go to school. I feel like there is one thing I really want to do.

I take my phone and answer Rose's text

Me : I saw what you did last week at school. It hurts me you actually thought I was so easy.

Once I click send, my heart shakes. If Rose gets very mad, that means I just put an end on ... whatever we have going on.

A couple of seconds later, my phone buzzes. I didn't expect a reply since it's around 3:30am.

Rose : what are you talking about?

I roll my eyes and start typing, although I must admit I missed interacting with her.

Me : I saw you pick this girl up from school.

Rose : Are you serious?? Baby that was my niece

Suddenly, I'm feeling dumb. A huge weight lifts off my shoulders as I smile lightly.

My phone rings and I answer it with shaky hands.

"Hello?" I say nervously

"What am I going to do with you.." Rose's sensual voice appears on the line

"I'm sorry Rose." I say

"It's okay. Just know that you're the only one I have my eyes on." She says, making me smile and blush.

"Sorry for ignoring you." I add

"That's okay, I'm coming over." She says like it's no big deal

"What, now?" I ask

"Yeah." She replies

"I-I mean are you sure" I ask

"Yes, I need to see you." She says

"Okay." I simply reply, despite wanting to say I want to see you too

"See you in five." Rose says and hangs up.

I stand up and go to my bathroom quickly.

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