11. worst day ever

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Harry left this morning. He was here for one night, then he had to get back to lectures. I wish he had stayed longer though.
I am currently at school, waiting for my English teacher to give back an important exam. Yes, my actual English teacher, not Rose.

I feel myself getting nervous as she passes through the students. They all exchange looks and glances, trying to see how much their classmates got. I was pretty confident during the test, I am not anymore.

When my copy is left on my table I gasp. I got a C.
I'm not the type of girl to get angry over grades but why is it so low? This exam was important for uni. I roll my eyes and fall back asleep, disappointed in myself. I should ask the teacher if I can do anything to replace or get a better grade.

"You got a C?" Zack says, looking over me. He's one desk behind me.

"Yeah." I simply say

"The average grade in the class is D. Don't worry too much." He taps on my shoulder in a friendly way but I don't answer to him. I'm too mad.

When the bell finally rings, I go to my locker and take my stuff for my next class, maths. Feeling bored and lonely as always, I find myself thinking about Rose. I smile. What we have is so unique and exciting when I think about this without overthinking. I used to think this only happens in books or movies ; it still feels unreal.
I focus on getting to my classroom and shake the thoughts out of my head. It's a technique I have developed to keep myself from overthinking.


I head to my locker quickly, excited about the day finally being over. I take the stuff I need and put it in my bag, hurrying to my car.

I stop in my tracks seeing a red head woman texting next to her car. What is Rose doing here?

I quickly hide behind a basement, so she doesn't see me. I want to know what is going on. Is she here for me? If she was, I feel like she would have texted. Maybe a surprise?
After waiting for a couple of minutes that seemed like hours, I see her smiling up to someone. A girl enters her car. My heart breaks.

I have seen this girl a couple of times around school. She is good looking, I don't even know her name. Why is she going into Rose's car?
I remember what happened with Alissa a couple of months ago. What are they doing? The worst ideas cross my mind.

I breathe deeply and make sure her car is leaving the school parking lot before going out as well. Once I can't see it anymore, I make my way to my car.

I feel like this huge lump in my throat has been created as I try not to burst in tears. I thought Rose and I were special. My chest hurts and my eyes get watery. I want to go hide and sleep forever. I don't want to see Rose, but I want her to feel sorry for the horrible situations she put me through.

Is this what it feels like to be heart broken?

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