Science Fiction

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Percy dropped onto his bed, sagging into the mattress with a long sigh. He stared at the item in his hands, feeling a bit confused. This was something that had caused him much pain in his many years, and he swore that it gave him anxiety.

"Percy? Why do you have a book?" He turned to see his girlfriend standing in the doorway to the Poseidon cabin.

Percy sighed again, dropping his head. "Annabeth gave it to me. She said I should try reading it."

Thalia Grace moved fully into the cabin, swinging the door shut behind her. She sauntered up to the bed peering over his shoulder at the book.

"Fahrenheit 451," Thalia mused. "Interesting choice."

"She said I might like the genre," Percy stated. "Science fiction."

"Well, not like you would know. I doubt you even know what science fiction is." Thalia looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

He turned to look over his shoulder at her. "Nope. Annabeth might kill me if I asked her, though."

"That's true. Science fiction's, like, futuristic stuff. Apocalyptic. It kinda does seem like your thing."

Percy nodded, turning back to the book and flipping it open. "She got it in Greek," Percy said in approval. "Wow."

"She's just awesome like that," Thalia said.

Percy glared at the large 'ενα on the page. "Well, here goes," he muttered, moving down to the first word. Thalia sat down on the bed behind him, resting her chin on his shoulder. If Percy was forcing himself to read, she would make sure she topped him.

It took maybe five minutes of reading before Percy gave up. "This is dumb," he announced, slamming the book closed and tossing it onto the floor. "How do people enjoy this?"

Thalia scowled. "Percy, you don't just throw it on the ground. Maybe some people actually would like to read it." She hopped off the bed to pick up the book that Percy was glowering at. She dropped it onto an empty bunk. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"Kiss you?" He said hopefully, grinning at her innocently.

"You're lucky I love you," Thalia retorted, a small smile on her face as she moved back over to the bed. When their lips connected, Percy decided he preferred kissing over books any day.

He'd have to tell Annabeth science fiction wasn't his thing.

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