Cuddle Up

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Thalia rapped her knuckles on the door of the Blofis residence. It took a moment, but eventually, it was opened. Percy stood in the doorway, looking absolutely miserable. He had a blanket draped over his shoulders and bags under his eyes.

"Hey Thals," he said, but started coughing before he could get any further. "Sorry."

"You're lucky I'm such a caring girlfriend," Thalia said, holding up a paper bag full of stuff to help with a cold.

"Thanks," he rasped. "Sorry for calling you up. No one else was around."

"You're welcome. Now let me in." Percy backed up out of the doorway, heading towards the couch when she stepped inside. Thalia shut the door behind her and followed the sickly demigod.

Percy crumpled onto the couch, laying sprawled across the entire length of the cushion. Thalia nudged his feet so they were pressed against the back of the couch to make room for herself. She dug into the bag and pulled out a pack of cough drops. She ripped it open and tossed one to Percy. He fumbled to catch it yet failed entirely, luckily it landed on his chest.

"Don't take it yet," Thalia commanded. She dug through the bag and pulled out a box of Tylenol."Sprite or Mountain Dew?" She took a bottle of the latter for herself, twisting off the top.

"Sprite," Percy mumbled. It was obvious he hadn't had to deal with sickness for a long while with how wretched he felt.

She handed him the bottle along with a pill. "Drink it slowly," she added as he popped the pill in and took one large gulp of the carbonated drink.

"Yes mother," he commented jokingly, though it didn't sound like it with how hoarse his voice was. He took the cough drop and Thalia searched for the remote.

"Turn on whatever," Percy yawned. "I won't last five minutes."

"Maybe you should get sick more often," Thalia commented. "If all I have to do is buy some stuff then I can sit and watch TV all day it sounds like a good deal."

"Sure, ignore the boyfriend in pain, will you?" Percy scoffed. He dragged a pillow down so he could rest his head against it and let himself relax as Thalia flicked through channels on his TV.

Sally returned a few hours later, surprised to find Thalia on the couch with Percy passed out next to her. Thalia averted her gaze to give the mother a small grin. "He requested I bring him some stuff for his cold," she explained, lightly brushing her hand along his calf.

"Has he eaten since you've been here?" Sally asked.

Thalia shook her head no. "Don't think he's eaten anything since he got up."

"Of course not," Sally muttered, smiling slightly at her son. "Why don't you wake him up? He can eat now and then go back to his nap."

Sally entered the kitchen while Thalia prodded at Percy's side. He grumbled incoherently, shifting uncomfortably. "Percy, get up," she demanded, poking him harder.

"St'p it Thals," Percy slurred drowsily, swatting at her hand.

"You need to eat. Just for a few minutes?" Thalia tried. Percy exhaled deeply, clumsily pulling himself up until he sat up straight, pulling his legs out from behind her and resting his feet on the ground.

Sally brought out a small plate with crackers stacked atop it. She handed Thalia a small bag of chips to which the girl nodded her thanks. Percy nibbled at a cracker, obviously disinterested in eating, which was very unlike him.

Sally left to do something while the teens remained on the couch. Percy eventually finished off a few crackers and groaned uncomfortably. "I hate this," he murmered.

"It sucks, doesn't it?" Thalia replied. "C'mere." Percy shifted over to her and she curled an arm over his shoulders, tucking him into her side. He snuggled into her, nuzzling her side. "Better?" She asked, pressing a slow kiss to the top of his head.

"Mhm," Percy sounded. He yawned in a way that Thalia thought was adorable (though she would never admit it) and draped his arms over her stomach. Thalia rested her chin on his head, feeling the hair tickle her skin. She loved it when Percy was like this, drowsy and cuddly.

No matter how much she denied it.

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