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Percy always loved the campfires. Being able to be carefree and relax with his friends without worry about monsters or pretty much any of the troubles demigods have. It only got better when he started dating Thalia. Curling up in front of one of the logs used as wooden benches and watching the fire flicker higher and higher, brighter and brighter. Roasting marshmellows, seeing who could fit the most on their stick, competing about who could sing the loudest.

"We should put you up to sing at some point," Thalia commented, nudging Percy in the side with her elbow, which was tucked between their bodies.

"What? No!" Percy said immediately. "You know I can't sing!"

"Exactly. I could watch you get laughed at. I'd be hilarious," Thalia grinned, looking sideways at him.

"I'd drag you up with me," Percy threatened. "I wouldn't be the only one getting humiliated."

"I can sing better than you, though," she pointed out. "You'd be getting laughed at more."

"But if it's both of us up there, how could we tell who's being laughed at?" Percy countered.

"We split the song in half, of course," Thalia resorted. "That way we both sing but you can still get laughed at and not me."

"As if," Percy scoffed. "You may be better than me, but that doesn't mean you're good."

"I think you're just biased. Your opinion doesn't count."

"That isn't how this works!" Percy complained. "Then technically your opinion shouldn't count either!"

"Oh well," Thalia shrugged. "That's too bad, isn't it."

"You're just saying that because you know I won this argument," Percy said.

"No, I'm not."

"Oh, yes you are."

"Alright then. How about I win it then?" Percy was about to ask how before she kissed him. She knew Percy was a sucker for affection and would always use that to her advantage. Even such as a simple kiss would be enough to fog his mind enough so that she could get what she wanted.

"Cheater," Percy muttered against her lips, feeling a smile spread across Thalia's face. They only separated when they heard someone clear his throat. Chiron was watching them, a disapproving frown on his face. Right. There was to be 'no PDA when children are around.' Thalia thought it was stupid, but what could she do?

Percy tightened his arm around her shoulder and leaned close to her ear. "Perhaps we could go somewhere more . . . private?" He suggested, a slight husk to his tone. Thalia smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. They manoeuvred around all the campers, occasionally stepping on a hand but not really caring much.

They both collapsed in Percy's bunk, Thalia immediately rolling atop him and pressing her mouth to his. Percy grunted in surprise but quickly regained his wits, slipping one hand around her back and the other her waist, his fingers slipping slightly under her shirt. Thalia tangled one hand in his hair and cupped his cheek with the other. They broke apart for a second, Percy quickly kissing the corner of her mouth before hitting straight on once more.

Thalia ran her tongue over Percy's lips, urging him to give her access to the inside. He obliged, letting her explore before he took his turn at exploring not her mouth, but her skin. He separated and pressed hot kisses all down her jaw and neck, lining her collarbone and dipping down all the way to her neckline.

Oh yes, Percy did indeed love campfires.

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