Random Acts of Kindness

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"Hey, Kelp Head." Percy looked over his shoulder to see Thalia entering the dining pavilion, striding straight towards his table. "Guess what."

"Um . . . what?" He answered, a bit unsure of what she was doing. There was a large possibility of this hurting him.

"Do you remember when myself and the hunters brought you back to camp after you got knocked off Blackjack?" Thalia said, sitting down next to him. Chiron frowned in their direction but said nothing.

"Yeah, of course." Percy paused. "Why?"

Thalia grinned. "I convinced Artemis to let you accompany us on our next mission."

Percy's eyes widened. "Seriously?" He said incredulously.

Thalia nodded. "Yep. If you're coming, then pack up your stuff. We're leaving before the campfire."

"Hell yes, I'm coming," Percy grinned. He sacrificed the rest of his food to Artemis in thanks (he noticed her smirk at him) and then jogged back to his cabin.

It took maybe five minutes to pack up what he needed, which was really only some clothes and drachma just in case. The huntresses had their own supplies, he just needed what they wouldn't have. In other words, he needed stuff a boy would need.

Percy rejoined Thalia outside of his cabin and they walked over to the huntresses, who were gathered outside of Artemis's cabin. Percy hung away, unsure of what to do until Artemis beckoned him over to the group. The hunters didn't seem bothered by him, in fact, some were happy he was joining them. Lyric gave him a toothy grin and wrapped her arms around his waist, looking up at him. She was a nine-year-old daughter of Hermes that Percy had befriended last time.

Percy smiled back at her, ruffling her chestnut hair. "Hey, you," he greeted.

Lyric's grin grew. "Hey, Percy!" She said excitedly. "You're coming with us! It's so exciting!"

"Isn't it?" Percy agreed. "Did you miss me?"

"Sort of," Lyric told. "The other hunters did too, they just don't admit it."

"Really?" Percy looked up at the other huntresses. Some of them looked indifferent while a few playfully scowled at him. Thalia just smirked from her position next to Artemis. The goddess wasn't really smiling, but her lip quirked up at the side. "Were they excited I was coming too?"

"Yeah!" Lyric said. "Well, except for Krystal. She wasn't excited."

"Krystal?" Must be a new huntress. He didn't remember there being a Krystal the last time. "Could you introduce me?"

Krystal was hanging out at the back with a large scowl on her face. When she saw Percy approaching, the scowl deepened. She had pure white hair, quite unusual, with light blue eyes. "This is Krystal," Lyric said, not seeming to mind the girl's discomfort. "She's a daughter of Khione."

Ah. That explained the hair. Percy held out his hand. "Nice to meet you," he said. "I'm Percy."

"I know, boy," Krystal spat. "I've heard too much about you. You're just another one of those vile males. I don't know why you're coming along."

That stung a bit, but Percy didn't show it. "If I make you uncomfortable, I'll try and keep my distance. That okay?"

Krystal growled. "I'd rather you just leave."

Artemis seemed to realise something was about to go down. "Percy, why don't you come over here for a moment?" She suggested, sending an uneasy glance towards her newest hunter.

"That sounds good," Percy responded, taking one last glance at Krystal, who was looking with a bit of surprise at her patron, and went over to join Artemis and Thalia. "What's up? Or was that just to separate us?"

"A bit of both," Artemis admitted. "I just wanted to inform you of the mission you'll be helping us with. I have a feeling you'll enjoy this."

"Really?" Percy perked up. "What is it?"

"The nymphs around Yellowstone have reported seeing dragons nesting among the geysers," Artemis said. "We're going to eliminate them."

"Dragons?" Percy asked. "Those are actually a thing?"

Artemis chuckled. "This is Greek myths, Percy," she said. "Does that really surprise you?"

"No, not really," Percy said. "What are dragons like to fight?"

"They're probably about as easy to kill as a drakon," Artemis told him. "Easier if you know the secret. Much, much harder if you don't."

"So, what's the secret?" Percy asked.

Artemis just smirked. "What's the fun in telling you that?"

Percy was about to retort until Artemis called, "Move out!" Percy just sighed.

"She can be difficult," Thalia commented from beside him.

"I've noticed," he replied. "I do like her though. Much more mortal than the other gods."

"Yes, she is," Thalia said, gazing after the goddess as the began to follow, lagging at the back of the group. "I prefer it though."

"I'd take her over the rest of the Olympians any day," Percy said.

"That's because she actually likes you," Thalia smirked. "Any other boy would disagree."

"I'm just special," Percy said, puffing his chest out.

Thalia smiled softly. "Yes, you are."

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