Squirrel Appreciation

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When Thalia returned from her hunt, she was pleasantly surprised to find an amused Artemis with an enraged squirrel hopping around her feet screaming at her. It wasn't unusual for Artemis to bring animals into the hunters camp, but. never were they angry at her. No animal dared to rage at their mistress. But there was also the question of where a certain male demigod had gone.

"Artemis?" Thalia asked cautiously. "Where did Percy go?"

Artemis just grinned evilly and the squirrel at her feet bounced over to Thalia, squeaking and gesturing in a very human way. "He is currently pleading for your help."

"Why did you turn him into a squirrel?" Thalia said incredulously. "Did he do something wrong?"

"He got a bit too cocky," Artemis said. "I figured I would punish him a bit, just for the day." Percy the squirrel squealed and bolted back over to Artemis, his miniature claws helping him to easily climb up her small form and yell in her ear.

Artemis chuckled, plucking him off her shoulder and holding him by his scruff in front of her face. "Now, now, no need for profanities," Artemis scolded. "Be a good squirrel and leave me alone." She bent over to set Percy on the ground and nudged him with her foot towards Thalia. The goddess gave Thalia a wide grin and then flickered out of the camp, leaving her lieutenant with a very angry animal demigod.

"So . . ." Thalia trailed off. "What do you want to do?" Infuriated squirrel noises told her that was not what she should've asked. "I'm sorry, I can't change you back. This is pretty hilarious though, I have to admit." Didn't help her situation, but what could he do?

Percy just did his best impression of a growl (not very intimidating) and hopped up onto her shoulder, curling himself around her neck like a scarf and flopping down. "What are you doing?" Thalia asked curiously, turning her head to look down on his furry head. Percy just swatted at her face, his little claws leaving three red marks on her chin that didn't really hurt much but would be very unattractive. She just shrugged it off and went on to do her share of chores.

She didn't really mind carrying a rodent around on her neck for the remainder of the day, though Artemis found much mirth in that fact when she returned from Olympus. Percy, of course, immediately stormed across the table and tried his hardest to make her fix him, and she made the situation much more amusing by simply replying, "fuck you."

It wasn't until late, after the rest of the hunt had retreated to their tents, that Artemis turned him back. She had tried to avoid it, leaving with the last of the huntresses, but Percy squealed loudly after her. She snapped her fingers without turning around and Percy was back into his normal form. "Goddamnit Artemis!" He yelled after the goddess, who only laughed and slipped into her tent.

"Explain why you were on my shoulders all day," Thalia immediately demanded when he turned around.

"I was hoping you could convince Artemis to change me back at some point," Percy said. "Obviously not."

"Why would I?" She smirked. "I find joy in your pain."

"Wow, so kind. Feeling the love today," Percy groaned. Thalia only punched him in the shoulder, the smirk still glued to her face, before she left to her tent.

Percy sighed. He never would understand girls, especially the hunters.

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