Public Sleeping

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"This is nice."

"Isn't it?" Percy agreed, bumping Thalia's shoulder with his own. Thalia had gotten a few days off from the hunt to visit her friends at Camp Half-Blood and had stopped by Percy's apartment to travel with him. They were sitting at the back of a Greyhound bus, tucked beside each other in one seat. "We haven't spent much time together in forever."

"Exactly why I'm here right now," Thalia replied. "I love all my friends, but I want time to enjoy them all separately. You're different when you're by yourself."

"I'm not by myself," Percy pointed out, poking her arm.

Thalia swatted at his hand. "I mean when you aren't with Annabeth. You are different. I like seeing who you are yourself."

"That's deep for you, Thals," Percy said playfully.

Thalia scowled. "Says you. All you know is from Annabeth."

"Alright, low blow," Percy complained. "Can't you be nice?"

"Nope," she answered. "You're just too easy to hurt." As if to prove her point, she elbowed him in the stomach. Hard.

"Abuse!" Percy cried, the small smile on his face showing a different story. "Somebody help me!"

"Shut up, Kelp Head," Thalia groaned, tilting her head back against the seat. "Your life is literally full of abuse. Admit it, you like it."

"I will never submit to you!" He said dramatically. "Stay back, foul beast!"

"We're on a bus. I can't really go very far away from you," Thalia pointed out.

"Uh . . ." Percy trailed off, unable to think of a comeback. "Just leave!"

"I don't think I will," Thalia said, shifting so that their shoulders brushed. "If you're so desperate, you leave."

Percy's face twisted thoughtfully as he tried to think up a response. When he couldn't, he just plainly stated: "Shit."

Thalia laughed, leaning more heavily onto his shoulder. "Nice comeback," she taunted.

"Shut up," Percy stuttered.

"No." Percy groaned and Thalia laughed. "Idiot."

He was quiet for a minute. Then, softly, he said, "I've missed this."

"Playful banter?" Thalia asked.

Percy nodded. "Annabeth's great and all, but she doesn't have the same playfulness you have. She's too serious to actually joke around with."

"I feel the same way," Thalia sighed. "The hunters are all stuck back in the nineteen, eighteen hundreds, some even from the B.C's. They don't understand the same things I do."

"Solution: do this more often," Percy determined. "Artemis would probably let you, right?"

"I think so, but I've never asked. She was the one who suggested this."

"Then she would definitely let you," Percy responded. "Just ask her."

"I think I will," Thalia smiled, resting her head on his shoulder and sighing contentedly. "How long's this ride?"

"About two hours," Percy said. "We've got another hour and a half at least."

"I'm taking a nap," Thalia decided, yawning and settling more comfortable against Percy's side. "Wake me up when we get there."

"Will do," Percy answered, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "Can't promise I'll actually be able to stay awake, though."

"You've got a point," Thalia said against his shoulder. "Whatever. As long as we get there."

"Yep," Percy said, pressing his cheek against her head and nuzzling into her hair. "I'm sure we'll be fine." Thalia hummed in response.

They missed their stop.

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