Love your Pet

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"Irimis, get your feathery ass back here!" Thalia barked, chasing after the cackling eagle. Irimis had within his claws Thalia's dear bracelet, Aegis, and was racing away at his top speeds, swooping into the woods. Thalia cursed and bolted after the bird.

"Sorry, mom!" Irimis cawed, swerving around a particularly large branch and flapping up higher. "I swear I have a reason for doing this!"

"You'd better, and it'd better be good!" Thalia snapped, leaping over a low hanging branch and continuing to weave through the trees. "I'll kill you if it isn't!"

"But mooooooom," Irimis taunted, doing a roll around a trunk.

"Don't you fucking dare," Thalia threatened. Irimis just clucked back at her, keeping up the cat and mouse game they were playing. "Irimis!"

The eagle finally landed, dropping her bracelet at the top of Zeus's Fist and landing right next to it, looking quite proud of himself. "Bring it down here!" Thalia demanded, picking up a rock and chucking it at Irimis. He hit it away with his wing.

"Just wait a minute. You'll see." Thalia looked at him, confused, but sat down on one of the larger boulders to wait.

It was a minute before she heard footsteps crashing through the undergrowth. Almond swept into the clearing, Percy on her tail. Almond dropped something next to her bracelet and landed beside her mate. "Give it back!" Percy yelled, shaking his fist at the hawk. Almond had an amused look in her eyes.

"I think not," she replied. "You can have it back when you do as we say. You as well, Thalia."

"Fuck you," Thalia said. Percy started, looking at her in surprise. Thalia smirked at him. "Did you not see me?"

"No, I didn't," Percy answered. "You didn't move or say anything!"

"Well, I'm sorry," Thalia said with obvious sarcasm.

Percy frowned. "What did she say?" He asked.

"That neither of us will get our stuff back until we do as they say," Thalia told him. He looked up at the birds and raised an eyebrow.

"That's right!" Irimis chirped happily. "Now be a good human and sit down."

"Irimis shut your beak. Percy, come sit," Thalia commanded. Percy complied. Irimis and Almond flew down, settling on the shoulder of the one they stole from. "What do you two want?"

"Well," Irimis began. "I would like a latte."

"Irimis!" Almond scolded, hitting him with her wing. He coughed and shook his head. "Be serious!"

"I'm never giving you coffee again," Thalia said. "I don't care what your bribe is."

"Don't know why," Irimis muttered. Almond hit him again. He tried to nip at her wing but she was too fast.

"What we want if for the two of you to finally admit some things to each other," Almond explained. Thalia repeated her words to Percy.

"Could you . . . elaborate?" Percy asked.

"You know what I'm speaking of," Almond said. "I've spoken with Percy, and I know that Irimis has spoken with Thalia."

Thalia looked at Percy with surprise. "You want us . . . to say that?" Thalia asked hesitantly.

"Duh," Irimis cawed. "Isn't that what she just said?"

"Alright, you need to shut it," Thalia said, shooting an accusing look at the eagle on her shoulder. Irimis just shrugged.

"What did he say?" Percy questioned. Thalia remembered that Percy couldn't understand the birds.

"Have you spoken with Almond about something recently?" Thalia asked reluctantly.

"Um . . . yes. Why?"

"They want us to tell each other what we told them," Thalia said. "I'm guessing we both have the same thing to say, then."

Percy's eyes widened and he looked at Almond. "You traitor!" Percy exclaimed. Almond just twittered and rubbed her head on his forehead affectionately. "No, stop, I'm supposed to hate you right now!"

"Too bad," Almond stated. Percy seemed to get the idea of what she said because he flicked her in the side. She dug her claws into his shoulder in response. He ignored it.

"So, then . . ." Percy began. "You like me?"

Thalia hesitated. "I . . . I do," she finally stuttered. Irimis laughed quietly and Almond nipped him in the side. His mocking made her more determined to be stronger about this. "Yes, I do."

"Well, nice to know my feelings are reciprocated," Percy chuckled nervously.

"Well, what do you want to do about this?" Thalia said quietly. "Act on it or just go on with our lives?"

"No!" Irimis shouted, hitting her in the back of the head. "You will not just carry on without doing something! Do you know how painfully obvious it is that you two like each other?"

"Is it really that obvious?" Thalia asked.

"It is," Almond replied civilly, unlike Irimis looked like he was about to do. "I do recommend you act upon this yourselves before the love children force it upon you."

"You've got me there," Thalia admitted. "Well, Percy? How will we do this?"

"I'm not sure," Percy said. "Gradually ease into a relationship? Maybe try for a date?"

Thalia smiled. "I'd like that."

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