Step in a Puddle and Splash your Friends

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With Percy, the action of splashing someone by jumping into a puddle was taken to a whole new level. Thalia walked hand in hand with said son of Poseidon on the evening of what had been a particularly rainy day. Percy had taken to stepping in any puddle that he could reach, though Thalia was never bothered by it.

That was until Percy got bored with just that. He smirked as he stepped in an especially large puddle and maximized the splash, sending every last drop onto Thalia. She spluttered, shaking like a dog before glaring at Percy. He grinned cheekily, pecking Thalia on the cheek and then sprinting away as fast as he could.

"Get back here you asshole!" Thalia yelled, trying her best to gain footing against the slippery ground. Percy laughed as he saw Thalia struggling to chase after him, a look of frustration on her face. Percy bolted into the trees, listening to Thalia's indignant shouts from behind.

Thalia reached the treeline and knew she had an advantage on this terrain. She moved swiftly, weaving between trees and prancing through the brush with much more grace than Percy was. She caught up quickly and watched as Percy turned around in surprise as she lunged.

Yet it seemed he wasn't as stunned as he had seemed. He caught her in his grasp, lifting her off her feet and kissing her on the lips. Thalia thrashed for a bit, but his grip was too strong and his lips were too sweet. She eventually gave up and melted into the kiss, tangling her hands in his messy hair.

Though she was soaked to the bone and breathing heavily, she was the happiest she'd ever been.

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