Disc Jockey

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"Thalia, why are we at a club?" Percy said nervously. She had been poking at him for the past few hours and eventually just dragged him off to somewhere, which ended up being the Chorean Dance Club. The sign showed laurels and old-fashioned dancers, leading him to believe that this had something to do with the gods.

"You were acting all sad and depressed, I figured some drinks would help," she grinned. They stepped through the grand doors into a large room lit up with blue and purple lights. It wasn't the typical club though, still keeping multiple of the more godly aspects of things. That mainly being that there were a lot of people wearing togas with laurels on their heads, and there wasn't any pole dancing or other seductive activities in plain sight (not saying there weren't other rooms filled with more heated affairs).

"But a club?" Percy protested, trying to back out the door.

"It's run by one of the nine muses, Terpsichore," Thalia said offhandedly. " Don't worry, as long as we stick to the main room we should be fine. Terpsichore doesn't like sex on the dance floor."

"That's supposed to reassure me?" Percy said incredulously. "If so, it really doesn't."

"Too bad," Thalia retorted. "Now come on, you need your innocence ruined."

"What innocence?" Percy muttered under his breath as he was dragged onto the dim floor. If Thalia heard him over the loud electric music, she didn't say. He expected her to stop somewhere to dance along with the rest of the mythicals, but instead, she took him over to a bar situated in the corner.

"I'm too young to drink!" Percy complained, but Thalia pushed him onto one of the stools.

"So? These are gods. They won't care," Thalia scoffed, raising her hand for the bartender. "Let's start with some spiked nectar for us both," Thalia spoke.

"They make spiked nectar?" Percy asked.

Thalia laughed. "Of course, why wouldn't they? Nectar and alcohol are two of the most liked things on Olympus, next to sex. It seems obvious that they would combine them." Percy just nodded as if alcoholic godly beverages were an everyday thing.

Their drinks were set in front of them, a single shot, and Thalia went ahead and ordered two cups of ale. Percy cautiously took a sip of his drink and immediately felt the effect it had on him. He felt vibrant, the nectar taking the alcohol straight to his brain. He felt like he had just downed two bottles instead of a sip. It was exhilarating. He finished the rest of the shot in a gulp.

Thalia grinned as she noticed his rush. She swilled her shot and gave Percy a smirk. "Told you."

"This is amazing!" He gasped. "My gods!"

"I know! Thalia laughed. "Godly beer is the best."

Percy hummed in agreement as their ale was delivered. Thalia took a swig of hers and Percy followed her actions. The two cousins proceeded to get drunk out of their minds over the course of the next few hours, having way too many drinks and slurring about meaningless things and giggling about it.

They eventually stumbled out of the club and managed to find their way out of the Manhattan and back to Camp Half-Blood, both of them staggering into Cabin Three. Thalia fell onto Percy's bed, snagging her hands on his shirt and pulling him down on top of her. She grunted as his weight dropped onto her but only grinned cheekily while pulling him in for a sloppy kiss.

They grasped at each other's clothes, desperate, their minds fogged by liquor, but neither had any regrets come morning.

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