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"I can't believe I agreed to this," Thalia muttered, flopping onto the couch next to Percy.

You know you'll love it," Percy chuckled, throwing an arm around her shoulders. "We can watch whatever you want."

"Good, because we are not watching Finding Nemo again," Thalia said, glaring at Percy, who only grinned and shrugged. "You got any horror movies?"

Percy's face turned into one of panic. "We are not watching a horror movie!"

"Too late, I believe it was you who just said it was my choice," Thalia taunted. "Now answer the question."

"We've got three," Percy finally murmured in defeat.

"Which are?"

"The Conjuring, The Shining, and Saw." Percy winced slightly as he said the names. Thalia grinned darkly and hopped up, looking at him expectantly. "The very back of the right drawer."

Thalia shuffled through the movies in said drawer, pulling something out and popping it into the disk drive. Percy cringed when a large, red three-letter word popped up on the screen. Thalia sat back down next to him, grabbing the remote and clicking play before getting comfortable against his shoulder.

Percy nudged her. "Budge up for a moment. If we're watching scary stuff, I at least need some popcorn."

Thalia sighed. "Fine. Turn the lights off while you're at it." Percy gave no verbal response and exited the room to get himself some popcorn. He returned a minute later, reluctantly flicking off the lights before taking his spot on the couch. Thalia pulled the bowl between them so she could have some of it herself.

Percy was obviously not very good with horror. Not even halfway through the movie and he was already curled up against Thalia, her arm draped over his shoulders while he would bury his face in her side whenever something even remotely frightening popped up. Thalia was enjoying his fear very much.

Eventually, he just nuzzled himself into her stomach, half laying down by now and grumbled to "tell me when it's over." Thalia was perfectly content to thread her hands through his hair and finish the movie herself.

When it was finally over, she lightly tugged at his raven locks. "It's done." He only groaned incoherent words and cuddled closer to her. She grinned and dipped her head down to nip at his ear. He swatted at her head and she just bit harder.

"Stop it!" He whined. She laughed, lightly kissing his cheek.

"I think a bed might be a bit more comfortable than the couch," Thalia whispered into his ear.

"But it's scary going down the hallway!" Percy complained.

"Aw, does the big baby need me to carry him?" Thalia said mockingly.


"Too bad, you're too heavy." Percy finally craned his neck lazily, his sleepy eyes looking into her bright and awake ones. Thalia smirked and shoved him off the couch.

"Ow!" Percy curled into a ball on the floor, refusing to get up even when Thalia kicked him.

"You did that to yourself." Percy made a really pathetic sound at the back of his throat, flailing his arm in Thalia's direction. She chuckled, kneeling onto the ground next to him and rolling him over so she could kiss him on the lips.

Maybe horror movies weren't that bad.

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