Static Electricity

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Capture the Flag games at Camp Half-Blood could get intense. Especially when you pitted Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace against each other and told them to fight it out.

Well, no one technically told them, but it was implied. Get the two powerful ones out of the way and suddenly it's based more on strategy than 'can Percy beat Thalia' or 'can Thalia beat Percy.' It makes it more fun for the rest of the camp, and Percy and Thalia do enjoy beating each other up, so they get a bonus as well.

And so, at the current moment in time, Thalia was busy trying to blast Percy's brains out. Percy, on the other hand, was trying to douse her so he could get the chance to defeat her, but she was too quick with her lightning.

Thalia had crackling bands of electricity twisting and curling up her right arm and would constantly recharge it with a bolt from the sky. She would lash out with a whip of lightning and shock him temporarily, a weak shock that was enough to make him pause for a moment yet barely sapped her energy. She could easily finish him off with a more powerful bolt but she enjoyed playing with him. It wasn't often she was told 'hurt Percy' and was actually allowed to. She wanted to make the most of it.

Percy was putting all his effort into trying to come up with a plan to defeat her but the regular electric attack got in his way. He attempted to close in on her, and he managed, however slow progress was. There was no way Thalia could miss his advance. And she didn't. She wanted to see what he would do.

Percy got within a few feet of her, and between her strikes he lunged for her. Thalia's eyes widened and she shot a bolt at him, but even if it did hit him it just didn't have enough force to overcome his weight. Percy crashed into her, both of them toppling onto the ground. He lay limp atop her, pinning her.

"Percy!" Thalia shouted angrily, sending another bolt through him. She didn't dare try and pull lightning from the sky with Percy in direct contact with her and as such her electricity slowly dissipated. "Percy?"

The boy wasn't responding. She could feel his chest moving against hers but he wasn't reacting to any of her attempts. She became slightly worried she had gone a bit overboard. "Percy!"

"Nice to know you care about me," the boy muttered against her neck. Thalia breathed a sigh of relief and Percy chuckled. "Worried, cousin?"

"Of course not. Why would I worry about you?" Thalia scoffed, threading her hands through his hair. She felt Percy smile against her skin. A small grin appeared on her own face as well. "You going to get up?"

"But I'm tired!" Percy whined, snuggling further into her. "You're comfy."

"I won't be if you don't get up," she threatened, sparking a small electrical current between her forefinger and thumb.

"Fine," he grumbled, rolling off her. "But I wanna cuddle! Come on! Please, Thals?"

"Suck it up, Kelp Head. Lightning won this battle."

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