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Percy was a fairly popular guy at his school. It wasn't really a surprise; he had the muscles, he had the attractiveness, he had the personality. Some guys hated him for those facts, but he was mostly adored by his peers.

It was the last day of school before spring break. Percy was walking back to his apartment with three of his closest friends. Michael, a typical comedic teenager; Eddison, a laid-back athletic; and then Blaine, who was an active nature conservationist. An odd group, but they got along well. They would never be close to his camp friends, who had gone through wars with him, but they were friends nonetheless.

Of course, being spring, it was raining. Hard. The three boys all had an umbrella that they were huddled under, while Percy walked happily in the open, a large smile on his face.

"You sure you don't want under here, Perce?" Eddison asked.

"Nah, I'm good. You know I like the rain," Percy replied, purposely letting himself get soaked. He did keep his shoes dry, though; wet socks were never comfortable.

"Hey guys, look ahead," Blaine suddenly said. They all looked up ahead and noticed someone, gender indistinguishable with the weather, stumbling up onto the sidewalk, head down. His legs gave out, and he slammed his hand into the wall to keep himself upright. He did not look very good.

"Stay here," Percy said. "I'll go check it out."

"Woah, dude, wait!" Eddison called, but Percy was already jogging towards the figure. As he got closer, he began to recognise certain features. Black, spiky hair, now drooping down from the water. A tattered silver hunters outfit, with a silver circlet on his, no, her, head.

Percy bolted towards his friend. "Thalia, are you okay?" He burst out once he was within ten feet of her. She looked up sharply, electric blue eyes locking onto his. She sighed, leaning her forehead against the brick wall without answering. Percy moved the rest of the way towards her, taking her weight in his arms and sinking to the ground, letting her rest against him. He dried her off and kept her that way, letting himself dry as well. "Come on, Thals, tell me something."

"Monsters," she gasped. "Too many."

"Where did the hunters go?" He asked. "Shouldn't they be caring for you?"

"Chased me out," she panted. "Running for hours."

"Oh, gods, you shouldn't have let them do this," Percy said worriedly. She just groaned, dropping her head onto his shoulder and closing her eyes. It was then that his three companions caught up.

"Percy, what the hell?" Michael said. "Who's this?"

Thalia cracked her eyes open, shifting so she could see around his neck. "Leave," she moaned, head falling back to its spot. "Please."

"She sounds horrible. What happened to her?" Eddison asked.

"And how is she still dry?" Michael added. "How are you still dry?" He then remembered the fact that there was, in fact, water around, and he could heal her with it. He discretely ran the water up her body, making sure it stayed on the opposite side of her than what his friends could see. She exhaled a relieved breath when her wounds slowly began to close.

"Doesn't matter," Percy said. "You can either leave or come with me. We're going to my place." He dropped the water off her and lifted Thalia bridal-style and took off towards his apartment at a fast walk. She sucked in a breath at the sudden movement, her eyelids fluttering. "Hold on, Thals," he muttered softly. She tapped his chest to show she heard.

"Slow down dude!" Eddison called. "You don't even know her."

Percy stopped and turned towards his friends, the panic in his face clearly expressed. "You don't know anything," he said, unintentionally ominous, before continuing at the same pace. The three exchanged glances but didn't say anything.

They reached Percy's place uninterrupted. Percy rapped his knuckles on the door with force, Thalia's weight limiting his strength. Blaine took the umbrella and closed it as his mother opened the door. Her eyes widened when she saw Thalia. "Come in!" Sally said. "All of you."

They all entered. Percy headed straight towards the couch, lowering Thalia onto the cushion. Sally closed the door behind the mortals, rushing over to Percy. "What happened?" She asked.

"What do you think?" Percy responded. "Monsters."

"Thalia, dear, are you okay?"

The daughter of Zeus whimpered out "I'm fine."

Sally frowned. "Obviously not. Percy, grab the first-aid kit and a cup of water."

He hesitated. "Hold on, but my friends-" Sally glared at him, not caring if the mortals saw. Thalia's wellbeing was more important. Percy did as she said.

"Sally, who is this? Percy refused to say," Michael asked.

"A good friend of Percy's," Sally answered. "They've known each other for around five years and have been through much together."

"Like what?" Blaine questioned.

"It's not my place to say," Sally responded. Percy entered the room with a white box and a large bowl of water, using his powers to keep it from spilling. He handed his mother the kit and placed the bowl on the table beside the couch.

"What's the water for?" Michael asked. Nobody answered, but he soon saw its purpose. Percy placed his hand on Thalia's stomach, where the biggest wound was. The water lifted from its place, whisking over to Percy's hand. It spread itself out over all her wounds, slowly closing them as much as they could. Of course, though, he could only do so much. Almost all the smaller wounds disappeared, though the large stab wound in her stomach remained half open.

Percy drew back and watched his mother work on Thalia's stomach. He sat beside her head and combed his hands through her hair, leaning his forehead against the couch. Using his powers to that extent would still drain him more than he liked.

"What the hell did you just do?" Eddison muttered quietly. Percy looked up at him.

"There's a lot you don't know," Percy said. "More than a lot. You don't know me at all."

"What do you mean?" Michael asked. "We've known you for years. You're our best friend."

"Still," Percy said. "As much as I hate to say it, all my friends at the camp I've told you about? They are closer to me than any of you can ever be." All three looked hurt.

"How?" Michale said. "What could they know that we don't?"

Percy's eyes flashed dangerously. He snapped. "I have fought alongside all of them, every single one, and have seen more than most people would in a century. I've seen war, I've seen suffering, I've seen countless people sacrifice themselves for me, for my family, and I have faced death myself." He was yelling now, eyes flaming. Thalia looked up at him with happiness that he had stood up for himself. For her. For demigods.

"Seriously?" Eddison said, laughing nervously. "That's impossible."

"It's true," Thalia rasped. "Not like you mortals would know."

"Thalia," Percy pleaded. "They shouldn't know."

"You're right," she said. "They shouldn't. But we shouldn't have to experience it." Percy was silent. "You know I'm right. No teenager should have to do what we do. Be the heroes. Be the only ones that know."

"It's too hard," Percy said quietly. "Too hard. Knowing that so many have died for this. So many will die. Most of us never even make it to this age."

Thalia grasped his hand. "Be thankful that we did," she told him. "Be thankful that we still live. They're happy, Percy. Don't take their sacrifice away. They died for a good cause."

Percy squeezed her hand tightly. She was right. But it was painful to know that no one could ever understand.

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