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"Daddy! Guess what happened!" A little girl with shoulder-length black hair sprinted towards Percy, her murky green eyes glistening with excitement, pale hands outstretched towards her father. A wide grin was set upon her face.

Percy laughed and scooped her up, holding her in front of him. "Hey, Leigh!" She giggled as he pressed a kiss on her small nose. "What happened?"


"Hmm," Percy hummed, making a dramatic show of thinking. "Did your mother take you somewhere?" She shook her head. "Uncle Jason?"

"Yeah!" She said happily. "He took me into the sky. It's reeeaaally big."

"Did he now?" Percy asked. "He didn't drop you, did he?"

"No," she said. "But Mommy was worried that he would. She didn't like me going up."

"Don't listen to her," Percy said, setting her back onto the ground. "She's just a scaredy cat."

"Mommy wouldn't like that," she told him. "She would give you sparks."

"What wouldn't I like?" Percy began to laugh nervously as his wife, Thalia Jackson, entered the room, glaring at her husband.

"Well, look at that! Time to go, Leigh," Percy said quickly, ushering his daughter away.

"Don't you dare Perseus. Huntleigh, why don't you come to Mommy and tell her what Daddy said," Thalia said. Percy bit his lip nervously as Huntleigh skipped over to Thalia, wrapping her mother in a hug.

"Daddy said you were a scaredy cat for not wanting me to go up," she said, unaware of what her father would face. Percy paled and tried to sneak out of the room, but electricity arced from Thalia's hand and latched onto Percy. He yelped, bolting out of the room.

"Leigh, stay here for a moment. I'll be back." She kissed her daughter on the forehead and stormed after Percy. He was cowering in their shared room, awaiting his punishment. "Do you want to die?"

"No! I just don't want my daughter to be afraid of heights like somebody I know." Percy knew immediately that wasn't the right thing to say.

"Damn bastard," Thalia cursed, kicking him in the shin. He winced in pain, putting that leg behind him. "It's a reasonable fear!"

"You can fly, Thals," Percy protested. "It's irrational. And if our daughter can fly, too, do you want her to be too scared to try?"

"I'd rather her not try then die trying!"

"How about this: We get Jason to train her. If she can fly, he can be with her while she practices. Deal?" Thalia glared at him, but eventually, her gaze wavered, and she just sighed and nodded. Percy pumped his fist and embraced her. "Thank you."

"Welcome. Now, let's go before our daughter finds a way to blow up the house."

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