Somebody To Love

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Brian's POV
Roger and I locked eyes for a minute. His sky-blue gaze into my plain brown. I love the way when any ray of light makes his eyes sparkle and shine, like the planets and stars in other galaxies. "Maybe we can chat some more up in your room, it's probably more comfy than here." Roger blushes and grins. How peculiar. He blushed when I suggested going to his room. Does he like me back? I certainly hope so, but I have no inkling of how we are to break it to Freddie and Deaky if we get together...

Roger's POV
He asked if we could go to my room. The nerve of that guitarist, yet I love it. I can't let on that I like him just yet, because he might not love me back. But my stupid body betrays me, and I end up blushing fiercer than a schoolgirl at her first dance. I can see the confusion in his eyes, but it's not necessarily in a bad way. I look down anyway, so he can't see my crimson face. We head to the door and stand in the doorway for a bit, breathing in the fresh air. It's gotten colder and even I shiver. Brian is always warm, and him noticing my shiver, he puts his arm around my shoulders. I notice out of the corner of my eye that he smiles a small smile and blushes slightly. I grin too, because now I have a good feeling he likes me back.

Brian's POV
We walk across the stretch of dirt as we make our way to the house. I go inside, and Roger follows suit. It's considerably warmer inside than outside, and I'm grateful the furnace is finally working. The lights are still off, so the other haven't been woken. He unite his shoes and I my clogs, taking care not to trip or god forbid, drop one. The stairs have carpet, thank goodness, and our socks help muffle the already muffled noise. I follow Roger as he tiptoes into his bedroom and flops on his bed. The thing creaks and moans, and I'm sure we'll get caught awake. But, luckily we don't, mainly because John sleeps in the basement and Freddie is a heavier sleeper. Poor Deaky, he got the worst room of us all, and it's not even a room; it's a section of the basement. Freddie, on the other hand, got the most lavish and posh room in the house, just because he's "Freddie Bulsara". I notice out of the corner of my eye that Roger is looking at me. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?" I giggled a small bit after, the drummer smiling at that.

A/N: I'm gonna leave this on a cliffhanger and let y'all figure out the next chapter on the comments. Okay, see ya. }:) evil, aren't I?

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