I Want To Break Free

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Roger's POV
"Freddie, I'm gonna pop out to the shops for a bit. I'll be back, okay?" I need to run the the shop to get a little something, but the others can't know what it is yet. Especially not Brian. "Oh darling, whatever for? It's 9:00 in the morning, too early!" I reassured Freddie that I'll be back and drove off. Brian has been complaining lately that the floor of the farmhouse is too cold on his feet. He doesn't have a rug in his room, or own slippers for some ungodly reason, so I have decided to fix his problem. I find the clothes shop and head in. I head in and just a minute after I do, I find what I'm looking for. He's going to hate me and love me at the same time. I slap a tenner on the counter and hurry back. John was cooking breakfast when I left, so hopefully there's enough left for me.

"I'm back!" Freddie was still plopped in front of the telly, but this time he had a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. In fact, everyone had breakfast, Brian of course skipping the bacon. "There had better be more left for me." I growl. "Don't worry Roger. We left some for you." John smiled from the table. "Good, I'm starving." I could hear Freddie chuckle from the living room. I wander into the kitchen, and sure enough, there's some left for me. Wait a minute. There's one small egg and a single slice of bacon on a plate waiting for me. "Really guys?" They all had 2 eggs and a lot of bacon! I get the runts of the litter. "Eat up!" Brian snickers from the table. What was funny for about 2 seconds is no longer funny, I'm actually kind of pissed. I look at Deaky's plate, and he seems to get the hint that I'm hungry. "Ah ah ah, you have your own food." He nods his head at my cold breakfast. "First come, first served darling! I'm sure you understand!" Freddie laughs from the living room. They want a reaction? They get one. "Oh, this looks absolutely fabulous! Thank you SO much for breakfast John!" I take a bite of my egg and what do you know? There's chili on it. But I'm not going to let them know it burns my tongue, i won't give them that. Instead, I get a glass of water. "I need some water, it's pretty hot outside!" Lie. It's never hot in England. I finish my egg with watering eyes and munch my bacon. Again, spicy. I put my plate in the sink and walk over to the table. Thank god Deaky is finished eating. "Oh, John! You look thirsty! Here, have a drink." As I'm saying this, I pour the ice cold water on his head. He gasps and squeals. "Really?!" At this, Freddie runs in. He looks at the empty cup in my hand and the wet John beside me and puts two and two together. He then bursts out laughing.
"OH DEAR! John, you look like a wet muppet!"
Brian is already suppressing laughter, but when he looks at John with his wide eyes and sopping hair, he busts out laughing too! Soon, we're all on the floor holding our sides, even Deaky is laughing! "Here, let me fetch you a towel." Freddie runs off to the hallway. I turn around and face Brian. "You know how your feet are always cold in the mornings?" He looks a little suspicious as he stands up. "Yeah... why?" I can't wait to show him what I bought. "Well, I solved your problem!" I hand him the bag from the clothing shop. He opens it and pulls out what I got. Freddie has been busy drying John off, and looks over at us. "What is- oh. Oh my. Brian, those bring out your eyes." He's trying not to laugh, but failing miserably. "Roger, I appreciate the thought. But bunny slippers? Really? I'm not a girl." Yeah, no shit Sherlock. "Just try them on!" I push him into a chair lightly. He pulls the things on, and the pink faces in his feet stare sappily at him. "What do you think??" I hope he likes them, they were £8. He starts blushing profusely.
"I like them."

A/N : credit to @ONEplusTWOisONE for the bunny slippers idea. :)

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