Flick Of The Wrist

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Brian's POV
I ran outside to find Freddie holding back a shrieking Roger by his arms on the front step. "Freddie, what the hell is going on?" Roger seemed to be struggling very hard, as he was jumping and pulling away from Freddie, who was panting. "Tell... tell you inside." Poor guy, Roger's the same height as him, yet being a drummer has its benefits. Freddie was barely keeping Roger from killing whoever he was screeching at. I looked around to make sure nobody was watching us. Nobody was around except for John, who looked terrified and about to cry.
"Roger! Roger, calm. See? Calmmmmmm...." he immediately stopped moving when he saw me in front of him, causing Freddie to fall backwards and take Roger down with him. I reached out a hand to pull Roger up when I saw multiple tear stains on his pink face. "Whoa, hey are you okay?" I pulled him into a tight hug, and that's when I saw a man walking away. He was muscular and had reddish-brown hair. He looked oddly familiar, yet I couldn't remember him. The guy scurried around the corner and was gone.
"Let's go inside, yeah?" Roger nodded and I wrapped my arm around his back. I let him in, and was heading inside when I heard Freddie talking to Deaky. It sounded like he was soothing him, and I wanted to help but I had my boyfriend to deal with. I'll ask him about it later.
I sat Roger on the couch and we had a nice long cuddle. After a bit, Freddie came in with a tear stained Roger. We all sat in the family room, and I pulled Roger to face me. "Hey, Rog... What happened out there?" He looked down and at Freddie across from us. "Me, Freddie, and John were just talking on the front step, having a smoke break. This guy walks past us, and I mentioned you- my awesome boyfriend. He stops and steps towards us a bit and yells some fucking evil things at us- let's just say it's because we're dating boys. That's when I lost it, and flew at the guy. God, I wanted to kill that shitty bastard." He teared up a bit, but blinked them away. "He threw his smoke at the guy, hitting him square in the face. I had to hold him back 'cause he started swinging at him." I looked over at Freddie, and he was sort of smiling. "I started shrieking 'Galileo' style, really high pitched and the guy started cringing. And that's when you came outside." I can't believe that someone would say such rude things about Roger being gay, it's not bad at all!

I looked over at Deaky, who was curled into a little ball on the end of the couch. He still had tears in his eyes, and he was looking away from Freddie and Roger. He had this look of remembrance and sheer terror on his face. What happened?

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