Under Pressure

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Brian's POV
I still can't wrap my head around what happened last night. Roger Meddows Taylor snogged me! I've been in love with him for years, and all in one night, I kiss him, snogged him, confess my love to him, and score a boyfriend. The light is creeping in and it hurts my eyes. I realize I'm back in my room, I wish I was in Roger's bed. But alas, I can only go so fast. The clock on the wall says 8:30, might as well get up. The boys say I get up too early, well I say they get up too late. The floor is freezing in the mornings, I really should buy a small rug or slippers. I pad down the stairs to the small kitchen, and I see a beautiful sight.

The coffee machine.

"Dear thing, I love you so!" I run over and put in the instant coffee. The smell of the brew must've awakened Freddie, and he comes downstairs a few minutes later. "Darling, it's too early for this!" he groans. "Either that or you're too late!" I giggle. The beep of the machine tells us our coffee is ready. "Want some? You look exhausted." He nods sleepily and sits at the counter on a stool. We've been a band so long we've memorized each other's coffee and tea requirements. We still ask, though. "Black, yes?" "Yes, you've known this for years now, Brian." I chuckle under my breath as I slid his mug towards him, his special mug. I hate not having anything in my coffee, so I pull out the milk and sugar. Always 1 sugar and milk.

I slide onto a stool next to Freddie. I take a sip of the coffee, burning my tongue in the process, but I don't care.

"So.. is he a good snogger?"

I choked on my drink, almost snorting it out of my nose. "I-is-what?" I look over at Freddie, and he is giving me a sly smile. "I repeat: is he a good snogger?" I can feel my cheeks turning red. "Is who a good snogger?"

Yes, play it cool Brian.

"Your father- no, ROGER you daft sod! I heard you two last night, practically sucked each others faces off." He knows. "What were you up so late last night?" I turned the attention away from me. "I'm a light sleeper, dear. Honestly, you'd think you would've known by now..." He knows everything by now, I might as well spill the beans. "Yeah... he's pretty good." He smirks, and looks away. "I'm assuming you don't want to tell me anything else? Anything important you could've left out?" Freddie raises an eyebrow at me. What could he possibly mean, he knows me and Roger snogged last night, what more could he- oh. Oh shit.

He reads me like a book, I wear my thoughts on my face. "Mhm, that's what I thought." That twat sounds smug about it! "I will repeat once more: is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"I'm... gay." At this, he sets down his mug and hugs me. "Oh darling, that's wonderful!" he almost shrieks. I would never has thought we would be this happy about it, though. I put my finger over his lip, "SHHHH." He going to wake everybody! But it's too late now. 
Suddenly, we hear a series of thuds in the stairs. Roger walks down and slumps on the breakfast bar. He looks tired, and also confused as to why our frontman is hugging me and smiling like he won a million dollars. "What are we so happy about?"


Sorry it's been so long, I'm improvising atm with this story.

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