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*that Friday*
Brian's POV
Tonight was the night. Roger was going to take me out to eat, after our sort-of break up. It's around 4:30, so I'd better start getting ready. I pop in y the shower, and the hot water is like a massage on my back. It's wonderful. After I shampooed my gorgeous hair, I grab the loofa and body wash. I have to make sure to get everything clean, just in case things happen. I love my wash scent, Figi. Smells like heaven.
After I step out and dry off, I look in the mirror. I need to decide on what the fuck am I going to do with my hair? I grab my hairdryer and start blowing. After a few minutes, my hair is a literal poof. So much for that idea. Thank hid my trusty comb never fails me. Now, onto what I'll be wearing.

Roger's POV
Alright. Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine. Precisely. Well, I'm just going to be a gentleman and pick him up at his house first. God knows his hair takes forever.
I step under the shower and the hot water feels like heaven on my shoulder blades. That last tour still has me a bit worn. I grab the shampoo and do a quick scrub, hope it'll be enough. As I'm finding it out, it dribbles into my eye. Wonderful. Of course, it stings like hell and I'm temporarily blind. After I get that situation sorted, I grab the bar of soap. Ah, the familiar smell of Dial. Trusty bars of soap are always handy, but that's too low class for Brian. No, he buys body wash. What a woman.

I rub it onto my hands, and since a bit. My hands still have a cut or two from drumming for 2 hours straight every fucking night for a month. Tours leave you wounded. They're not for the weak. Anyway, I get my sore-as-fuck arms and legs lathered in soap suds. I wash my torso quickly, and then down near the family jewels, if you know what I mean. It's been a while since I did anything - or anyone. Hopefully, a romantic dinner at the PRICIEST PLACE IN LONDON does the trick. It'd better, my pockets will be empty after tonight. I finally get all the suds off, and hope I smell decent. I'm drying off when I glance at the clock on the wall. It's 8:25. 8:25?! I have to leave in 5 minutes to collect Brian on time! Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. SHIT
I race into my room and grab the nicest shirt and trousers I own. They're dark blue and the shirt is long-sleeves and white. Now, where is that damn tie? AhA! I found it lying on my armchair, in the living room for some absurd reason. I check my watch and it's 8:28. I pull on some shoes and spritz some cologne on, not bothering to check the brand. I make it out the door just in time when I feel my pockets and oh no. I fly back inside and grab my wallet. Thank god, that would've been horrific. I speed to Brian's house, hopefully no officers saw me. If one did, he didn't care. I wind up in front of his flat in 5 minutes. Usually, it's a 15 minute drive. I jump up the stairs and ring the door bell.

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