YoU cALL mE sWeEt LiKe Im SoMe KiNd Of ChEeSe

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Freddie's POV
I'm so happy for Brian and Roger, they really are a cute couple. Although from what little Brian told me, I don't think it's official. For heavens sake, Roger doesn't even know that I know! Today, we have a lot of recording to do, so for once, I'm glad Brian woke up early and made coffee. We'll be needing a lot of it.
I was in the middle of hugging Brian when Roger came down the stairs, or rather, thundered. "What are we so happy about?" I glanced at Brian and I could see the color drain from his face. "Oh, uhh..." I could see him struggling for an answer, so I decided to help him out.

"Roger, darling, Brian here was just telling me about a song idea he had for the album!" That was a white lie. Brian does have a song idea, he just didn't tell me five minutes ago. "What's it called dear...?" He caught on quickly, which is good because I actually didn't remember the name. "Oh, yeah, it's called '39!" Roger looked unimpressed and suspicious. "What's it about, then?" "It's about an astronaut-" Roger turned away. "Ah... it's another of your nerdy space shit." I suppressed a chuckle because Brian adores space, and I would hate to rain on his parade like an asshole. The guitarist glared at the drummer and rolled his eyes. They bickered all the time, and Brian just wants to choose his battles.

Eventually, Deaky came up for breakfast. Poor thing, he sleeps in a section of the basement... if Brian thinks it's cold upstairs, just imagine how Deaky feels. "You know... I have a song idea too." Roger eventually speaks up. I wonder what it's about, he doesn't write many songs for the albums. "What's it called?" Brian inquired. Roger turned pink as he pulled a paper out of his pocket and slid it towards him. "This should explain it..." he turned away and grabbed some toast. Brian unfolded the paper and was taking a sip of coffee when he snorted, coffee practically coming out of his nose! "What is it?!" I asked.

SshhnoOoOrrKkk- I - "I-its called- aha... it's called 'I'm In Love With My Car'!" "I'm in love with my car??" Deaky sounds just as confused as I am. I look over to Roger, who is turning redder by the minute. "Roger, I'm sorry, but what is this?" Brian looks at the drummer. "It's not funny!" And the fighting begins. "The name itself is hilarious!" "Oh, like you could do any better!" Brian pulls a paper out of his pocket now, but the lyrics aren't for '39; he hasn't started those yet. "If you're so sure about that, take a look yourself!" Roger snatches the paper and begins to read. He chuckles under his breath. "What about: you call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese!" Brian looks at the drummer like it's obvious. "It's good!" "Wow." At this, Brian takes Roger's lyrics and says, "Well, y- y'know: with my hand on your grease gun, yeah that's very subtle isn't it?" At this I smile, because there's no way Roger is straight when he writes lyrics like that. I mean, have you seen a grease gun?
"It's a metaphor Brian!" At this, even Deaky butts in, and he usually stays out of things. "It's just a bit weird, Roger. What exactly are you doing with that car?" He says sarcastically. Roger just glares at him and John continues eating.

It's going to be a long day.

A/N- hello dears, ''tis I. I put a YouTube video for queen memes up top^^^ It's my YouTube channel, and I have a bunch of Queen meme vids and whatnot. (I'm not trying to sound cliche, im doing it because y'all like Queen so I thought I would put that up there. My channel is called Iron Kat, just look up 'Queen Memes' after my name. This has been a long chapter, I should get off before I bore y'all. Adiós.

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