Play The Game

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A/N: Thanks for reading this, never thought anyone would like it, okay clichés over.

Roger's POV
Brian is still standing up, so I pat the space next to me on the bed. The lamp on my bedside table gives off a soft glow, almost not enough light to see. The guitarist and I stare into each others eyes for a moment, and at that time, we could see into the depths of each others souls. The lamp lights up his front as he is facing towards the head of my bed. But right now, his hazel eyes look to be the most beautiful thing to exist in this room. Aside from his perfect face, of course. His jawline could cut glass, I swear. His wildly curly hair, the way it frizzes up when it's humid, and poofs up like a poodle when he wakes up. It's just adorable. Okay, I should probably admit it to myself: I fancy Brian. But I think it's more than that, I think I might actually be falling in love with him. I subtly inch closer, praying to whatever God is out there to not let him notice.

Brian's POV
We're sitting on Roger's bed, staring into each others eyes. In any other situation, the action would come off as creepy or awkward, but for some reason it's neither of those things. I slowly scoot closer to him, centimeter by centimeter until our faces are mere inches apart. Suddenly, I get the crazed urge to kiss him. Roger's lips are the perfect shade of pink, and they look softer than butter. I seize the moment, and before I can stop myself, my lips are pressing against his. I rip away unwillingly, cheeks burning. Roger has the look of utmost surprise on his face, and I immediately am regretting my choice. One good thing came out of it, though. I know for certain his lips are softer than butter. The man across from me looks down at his lap and blushes. "Oh god... Roger.. I'm so sorry, I haven't a clue as to wh-" my words are cut off abruptly as the drummer is kissing me back. I deepen the kiss slightly and press my lips to his just a tad further. We pull away at the same time, cheeks redder than Venus.

Again, I'm gonna leave this on a cliffhanger just to toy with your emotions. So evil aren't I? }:)

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