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Freddie's POV
"Why'd you do it?" "Do what?" "You know what." "Sorry, I don't speak poodle, can you translate that into 'I don't give a damn'?" Brian and Roger were going at it like brother and sister. "You know you took my journal, that's personal stuff!" "I took no such thing! And while we're on the topic of thievery, why did you take my car keys?" Brian is accusing Roger of taking his private journal, the one he got after the break in their relationship. Roger is accusing Brian of taking his car keys. He recently got a vintage Chevy Impala, from 1967, I think.
I think Roger should stop and realize that this is Brian we're talking about. He won't even eat an animal, much less steal something that he knows his boyfriend loves. They argue way too much, it can't possibly be good for their relationship. John says they have communication issues; I think their egos are too big. However, I know that neither the book or the keys were stolen.

I hid them.

I wanted to try an experiment to see if Brian and Roger would really jump the gun and blame the other for stealing. I mean, not once have they batted an eye to me or Deaky. Brian has looked everywhere in his bedroom, neatly peeking in every nook and cranny. Roger, on the other hand, has flipped his room inside out. I couldn't even get the door open properly when I asked him to come down for breakfast. An hour ago. Brian's journal is in a sandwich bag under his frozen veggies strips in the freezer, and Roger's keys are on the top of his ceiling fan. As I watched the event unfold, I felt a tug at my elbow. I turned to see John holding my shirt sleeve and motioning for me to come with him. I nodded and followed him into the family room.

"Freddie, you should come clean. If they continue fighting like this, Roger's going to end up with another broken arm and Brian is going to have an ex-boyfriend." "I know honey, but I want to prove my theory." John crossed his arms and glared at me. "What theory, Freddie? The cause of their breakup is going to be you, do you really want that on your conscience?" He's technically right, but I'll give them the skinny when the time is right. I was about to say something else, but I heard a thud and the sound of skin hitting skin. Deaky and I exchanged a look and ran into the kitchen.

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