Chapter 10 - Dismayed

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Joel's POV

I shoot the last Clicker in the area and check around for dead bodies, just to make sure Ellie isn't one of them, she isn't.

I hop back on Bob and continuing riding down the stretch of the highway, I know that Ellie isn't stupid enough to walk through the woods, she knows how dangerous that is.

I pass by some dead bodies but there are arrows in the bodies so I know this wasn't Ellies doing, but that does mean there are more hunters nearby.

I've already been searching since last night at 8 and now it's probably noon, I let the horse rest for an hour while I slept, and I had to give the bastard food and water which slowed me down even more.

I'm trying my hardest to stay awake, I know that the longer I stop the further away Ellie gets from me so sleep is out of the equation, but I'm close to crashing.

I can only wonder how Ellie's made it so far without me, sure she survived the whole winter without me, but she had to walk for miles by herself, she only ventured as far as a different town.

She can't get bit but the clickers will surely eat her to death if they catch her, lord only knows what'll happen if a bloater gets her.

I decide to ride for the rest of the day only stopping at 6 to rest for an hour before continuing again until 9.

Bob is tired and so am I, I find a small shack that's big enough for Bob and me to fit, lucky me I know.

I barricade the doors and windows before falling asleep on the makeshift bed left in the cabin.

Ellie's POV:

It's day 3 now of being without Joel, I found a stream that had spring water in it, I filled up the two water bottles I finished and continued on.

I passed by this weird sign that was painted with black paint, it said "We will find you" which was creepy, to say the least, I think I ran for a straight mile after reading that.

I know I'm more than halfway there because on the way up we passed by mile marker 84 and I passed that maybe 20 minutes ago.

I'm making good progress, and even though my stamina isn't what it used to be, it isn't terrible, and I'm able to walk for 5 hours before needing a break.

I hear the sound of clicking not too far from me, I stop moving and cover my mouth to minimize the sound of my breath.

A Clicker steps out from the edge of the woods and walks over close to me, it walks passed me before stopping and squealing.

It looks around, listening, but can't seem to find anything.

I take a small step back but in doing so I accidentally kick a pebble, the Clicker whips its head towards me.

It runs at me at such a fast pace that I'm left frozen in place, once it reaches me it rams into me and falls to the ground on top of me.

I punch it in the nose and it cries out in pain, I shove it off of me and quickly stand up. I smash its head in with my boot and I let out a sigh of relief.

I try to catch my breath but the sound of screaming catches my attention.

I look up and see at least 50 Clickers all running straight in my direction.

"Oh, shit" I mutter.

Can't Be Forgotten - 2nd book in the "The Last Ones Left" seriesWhere stories live. Discover now