Chapter 20 - Sleep

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Joel and I run out of the town and off toward... well... we don't really know. We managed to snag a horse before we left town, it wasn't hard they were all running away anyway to get away from the runners.

We ride far away from the town and we don't have much time to talk, as there are a handful of runners behind us.

"We have to lose them!" I yell into his ear for him to hear me.

"I know!" he yells back.

He whips the reigns and the horse bolts away from town.

We make it a couple of minutes away from the town before the horse is startled by something, "What's happening?" I ask, before Joel can answer the horse throws us backward and my head hits something hard, my eyes start going blurry and the last thing I hear before I blackout is Joel screaming my name. 

Can't Be Forgotten - 2nd book in the "The Last Ones Left" seriesWhere stories live. Discover now