Chapter 11 - Restoration

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I look to my left and see the guardrail that separates the highway from the cliff and I realize that jumping over that is my only chance of survival.

So I gather up my courage then run and vault over the guardrail.

I roll down the hill hitting different trees and rocks before making it to the bottom of the hill, I hit the ground with a thud and I lose consciousness.

I wake up however many hours later with a bad headache and an aching body.

I slowly sit up as the world around me spins, I hold my hands up on both temples in a way so it blocks my preferential vision so that my vision can focus.

I look around and it dawns on me.

I'm alone in the middle of a forest, miles away from my home, and I'm traveling to a different state just to get answers that I'll probably never get.

"Oh god, what have I done?" I mutter, I pull my bookbag close to my chest and let the tears escape my eyes.

I left Joel, the only man who's ever cared for me, he taught me how to live, how to survive, and I left him. But he killed all of those innocent people just so he keeps me alive, it's selfish what he did, but he already lost his daughter, he didn't want to lose someone else he cared about.

But I guess in a way, he did, because now that I'm gone, he has nothing.

I sigh and rub my forehead, he killed Marlene. He's a monster.

Yet I can't bring myself to hate him, I want to. It would make everything a hell of a lot easier if I could just hate his guts, but I don't.

I love him, more than I've ever loved anyone. He taught me to be the strong person I am now, he brought me out of my shell, and I was no longer scared because I always knew he was there to protect me.

But I threw that away, I'm left unprotected now, and I'm scared for my life. Does he even miss me? Is he out looking for me?

I know how crazy I must sound wanting to go back to a man who massacred an entire building for me, but in a way, I understand him now.

I now that he would never do anything to endanger me or harm me, and what he did sucks and I will never forgive him.

But I love him and god I miss him so much it physically hurts, I guess the fall made me come to my senses.

I hear two dogs growling in the distance then a fight breaks out.

He would hold me if he were here, he would tell me it was all right and that we were safe. More tears fall from my eyes and I sob quietly.

I'm gonna head back today and maybe all will be forgiven. Or what if he doesn't want me to come back, maybe he's already moved on and despises me.

Or I should just stay going on my journey, I'll be fine on my own, maybe.

I shake my head, surviving for four days is all I can handle, I miss my warm bed and showering.

"Alright Joel, I'm coming back" I whisper though no one can hear me.

I stand up and pick up my bookbag and sling it over my shoulder, I sigh as I look around "Dammit" I mutter, there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to make it back up that hill, it's a straight drop.

I start walking to my left hoping to find a way back up to the highway.

After what felt like walking for hours I come out into a clearing, but no sign of getting back onto the highway.

"Okay, this isn't good" I mumble. I bite my lip as I look around at trees, that's all I fucking see.

"Maybe I should turn around" I mumble and look back weighing my options, maybe I should continue going this way and I can figure out how to get back onto the highway.

I look back and see a man standing right in front of me "Oh-" is all I manage before I'm hit in the forehead with the bottom of his rifle. I fall to the ground hard and blank out.

Can't Be Forgotten - 2nd book in the "The Last Ones Left" seriesWhere stories live. Discover now