*** Gateway Park... Fort Worth, Texas ***Caitlin makes her way through the park entrance and sits down on a bench. It's still early, so except for the occasional jogger passing by there's no one in sight. Looking around she sees squirrels playing, hears birds singing, and spots a sail boat on the lake slowly passing by.
"It's so peaceful here. But there'll never be peace for me. Oh Ben. I miss you so much. You're the only one that ever loved me, and I repaid you by getting you killed."
Laura's words echo in her mind... "If you do as I ask, I'll see that you and Ben will be reunited."
"Could she be telling the truth? Can she really bring back the dead?" She whispers staring at the ground.
Startled, she looks to her right to find Kyle leaned against his Challenger beside a gas pump. Standing up quickly she faces him.
"This can't be..." Looking around she finds she's still in the park, but the vision in front of her is quite different.
Kyle shakes his head, "My God, I must be losing my mind," he says and turns back to his car.
"Kyle..." He stops and turns quickly. "If you're losing your mind, I guess I am too."
"My God... It's really you!" Kyle looks puzzled. "Are you in a park?"
"Actually I am," she says and laughs like she used to, "but how are we doing this?"
"I'm not sure, but I'm glad it happened. We've been searching for you everywhere."
Her smile slowly disappears, "Yeah I know. I can feel it every time your girlfriend tries to use her ability. I've learned to block it quite well," she says crossing her arms.
"We only wanted to find you so we could help you."
"What makes you think I need your help?" She says definitely. "I can take care of myself, and the Special Unit for that matter."
"I know. I've seen what you've done. Did you know there were several innocent Paranormals being held in the basement of the building you destroyed?"
She hunches her shoulders, "There's always casualties in war."
"We're not at war! At least not yet. Stop this, and come back to your family where you belong."
"I'm sorry Brother, but I have to finish... what they started. Ben's death will be avenged."
"Then you leave me no choice. I can't let you hurt any more innocent people."
Caitlin laughs, "I've already defeated you once. Remember?"
"I have new friends now and they're very powerful. With the Chosen Ones at my side we'll stop you."
Caitlin's smile fades, "The Chosen Ones... Max and Megan Blackwell?"
Kyle nods, "So you've heard of them. Then you know what kind of power you're up against."
"Just stay away from me and out of my way," Her eyes turn green as her smile returns. "I don't want to kill you."
"I don't believe you can."
My eyes turn black as my power builds. We release a burst of energy toward each other...
*** Gas-N-Go... Somewhere on the Road ***
A bright explosion throws me against my car and as I open my eyes I see nothing but the highway we pulled off of five minutes before.
"Kyle?" Kelsey rushes over to me. "Are you alright? I saw a flash of light as I came out of the store. What's going on?"

Destiny ( A Story of Telekinesis )
ParanormalSeeking help from The Chosen Ones Kyle Richards, an impressive Telekinetic, has to go up against one of the most powerful Paranormals known to stop her from starting a war; a war in which no one would win. With the Special Unit always just one step...