Chapter Fifteen: The Joining of Three

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*** 1313 Fatum Way Fort Worth, Texas ***

Caitlin steps back through the portal into Laura's house and it closes. Looking around the destroyed room she finds no sign of her.

"Come on out Laura. There's no need to be afraid. I still need you to keep the promise you made." Caitlin continues to slowly walk around the room and stops in front of the chair Megan was held prisoner in.

"Oh," Caitlin turns to find Laura in the doorway. "I'm not the least bit afraid of you," she says and throws out her hands. Caitlin's thrown back into the chair and before she can react the glowing red ropes have her. Struggling in the restraints her eyes fade to normal. She continues to stare at the ropes concentrating with everything she has... but nothing happens.

"Give it up," She says and walks over to her. "The powder and spell I've put upon those ropes goes back for as long as the Blackwell name and they've kept everyone held by them quite helpless," she lifts Caitlin's chin. "Even one as powerful as you." Caitlin jerks away and looks up at her captor.

"I've done everything you've asked. Now let me go and bring back Ben!"

"It's true I've made you a certain promise," she walks up to her, "But I never said I would bring him back."

"You said we would be together again," she says as a tear falls.

"Yes, I did say that... but I didn't say which side of the void that would be."

Laura's words hit Caitlin like a ton of bricks.  "You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

"Oh no my dear. I have plans for you."

"You see the black mist that came out of the crystal wasn't just energy. It contained trapped souls, one of which was my mother, and one my father."

"There were spirits inside that thing?"

"Well, three actually. The third is Jedediah Blackwell. One of the most powerful Blackwell's that ever lived. And now that their spirits are free I have received their power and knowledge; all the spells I need to bring back those that were defeated." She leans in close. "And when I do... I'm going to place them inside of you."

"What? You're crazy," she says as she struggles against the ropes.

"Once they're inside they'll slowly take over your body and the power you possess.  Soon... I'll have my revenge."

Caitlin's anger returns, "When I get free... I'm going to kill you," She says through gritted teeth.

"Such hollow threats... I thought you were better than that," she turns to walk away.

"Where are you going?" She stops and turns to her.

"I'm going to prepare for the beginning... of the end," she turns and laughs as she leaves her prisoner to await her fate.

*** Just outside of Fort Worth... One of Maxwell's Safe Houses ***

I'm sitting in the living room looking out the window as Kelsey steps into the room. "How is she?" I ask as she sits down.

"Well, she's calmed down a little and is asleep. Kyle, I don't know what they were doing to her, but they've messed her up pretty bad."

"Does she still think her brother and friends are dead?"

"I've repeated it over and over that they're okay, but deep down I simply can't tell.  Maybe you need to try again to talk to her."

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