Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Briar's POV

It's been a few days since I've talked to anyone other than Piper, she's been graciously allowing me to stay with her until I find my own, permanent, place. Although I'm pretty sure the both of us like it better living together, that way we are never alone! Though I'm not sure how to feel about my family not even attempting to contact me, I still feel so bad about everything, I let those horrible emotions towards Nick get the best of me. I let everyone down, for real this time. 

I fucked up. And all I can do at this point is give everyone their time to simmer down and then apologize, even if I was doing what Nick deserved. 

I've locked myself up in Piper's apartment for the past week and I've been organizing her entire place, when I try to avoid things or people I tend to clean. Like, really clean. And I'm not too sure Piper is liking it anymore. At first she was happy she had someone so willing to clean her apartment, but that was a week ago. Now it's gotten to the point where I literally can't stop cleaning, because if I do, I'll think about how I fucked up.

"Briar," Piper came out of her room, she had her bathing suit on with a cover over it, "I think it's time we face your problems."

"And facing my problems includes wearing swimsuits?" I asked, she walked towards her closet and grabbed another swimsuit out, she tossed it to me. That's when it hit me, she wants to go to the beach. 

"What doesn't involve swim suits in your life? Anyways, we're going to Bondi because I know a group of young girls who need a surfing teacher since theirs bailed on them and I'm not taking no for an answer. You don't have to talk to anyone, I just want you to get the hell out of this apartment for a while and maybe even do some good," Piper explained, I rolled my eyes and without answering I headed into the bathroom to get changed. 

"Just to let you know, I'm always doing good," I yelled as I shut the bathroom door, I could hear Piper laughing through the shut door. Putting my swim suit on, I thought about having to go to Bondi where literally everyone will be. I laughed to myself because, I'm going to look like an idiot. Maybe not to those little girls, but to everyone else probably.


"So tell me, who was the person who left these girls to fend for themselves?" I asked, Piper was sitting in the driver seat pulling into the car park in front of Bondi. Piper let out what sounded like a laugh, I looked over to her with a serious face. What has she got me into to?

"Well, actually," she began, "it was one Ms.Madeline O'Kane."

"Madeline? Helping others? You're yanking my chain, P" I responded, she shook her head and turned the wheel to park the car. Madeline is not only one of the most conceded surfers that I know, just behind Nick of course, she also happens to be the reason that Max and I are no longer friends. I honestly have no idea is she and Max are still a thing, and honestly, I really don't care. 

"Nope, she was suppose to teach these poor grommets how to surf and she left them because of their 'lack of potential', which just sounds like a whole lot of-" Piper explained.

"I get it, but how can she say that they lack potential? When she hasn't even seen what they can do," I wondered, Piper shrugged her shoulders and then gestured to the beach.

"Doesn't look like you lot are going to be doing much surfing, those waves are fangin," I looked outside the car window and towards the waves, they were definitely too big for these little girls. But I definitely wanted to teach them something, even if we couldn't get into the water. 

"Well that doesn't mean we can't teach them to be the best damn surfers ever!" I joked, "definitely better than Nick."

We both shared a laugh and then proceeded to get out of the car. After Piper grabbed her board off the car, I took mine under my arm and we headed towards the beach ramps. Due to the bad conditions in the water, there weren't that many people on the beach which is a shocker, people love to get in the water with bad conditions. Then again, it wasn't too hot either. I guess that means people don't want to risk their life today because they're afraid to get a chill.

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