Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Briar's POV

"Briar, wait!" Max yelled as I continued to ignore him, something that he said set a bomb off in my brain. Just hearing him say that I never made the attempt to talk to him just pissed me off, because in reality I did. Even after all the shit he put me through, I still attempted to stay in contact with him, "come on, I didn't mean-"

"I tried-" I turned around suddenly, somewhat yelling at him. He stopped and looked at me, his eyes looked sad and shocked, "I tried to call you every day for the first year I was gone, I did! But everytime I was sent to voicemail, every fucking time!" I yelled. "Then one day someone finally answered on the other end, and lucky for me it was Madeline. If I remember correctly she told me that it was pathetic that I kept calling because you didn't want to talk to me ever again."

"But why would you believe a word she said? I mean, everything she says is a lie," Max replied, I shook my head.

"Is everything she says really a lie? She said that you didn't want to talk to me and the last thing you told me before I left was that you didn't want to talk to me, so heaven for bid I actually believed her," I laughed, she also said I wasn't that great of a surfer and look at me! I've been kicked off the tour, "but it's fine, we're both adults now and I know that, everything that's happened in the past is done with. This chapter of our lives is done and over with, we can move on and just- stop talking about it."

I turned around and let out a deep breath I had been holding in, then I headed into the restaurant with Max following closely behind me. I looked around the restaurant until I saw Jesse's familiar head sitting with some of the other lifeguards. I headed over to the table with a smile on my face and my heart pounding out of my chest. 

"Look who finally decided to show up," Maxi commented as I took a seat on the end next to Jesse, Max sat on the opposite side next to some of the others. 

"Well I guess it's time for proper introductions," Jesse remarked.

I laughed, "yea I don't think I want to be known as the girl who was dragged out of a bar because she was cussing her ex-boyfriend out."

"We have to admit that was the most interesting thing to happen around here in awhile," Jesse made a joke off my embarrassing night, I rolled my eyes because looking at it now, it was hilarious, "but anyways, Briar, these are the guys Maxi, Harrison, Ryan, Glick, Jethro, Jake and well you know Max."

Max had this awkward look on his face, he was smiling but it was obvious we had just fought. Well, it was obvious to be just with the awkward smile. The guys all gave me nice hellos and nice to meet you, I did the same.

"I guess it's an honor to be out with the famous boys in blue, huh?" I laughed off the awkwardness, the boys even let out a chuckle. 

"The best bunch of blokes around," Maxi commented, I shook my head and smiled.

"Must be fun being friends with your co-workers, you guys get to hang around each other all day and then you even get to bother each other off the clock," I remarked, just sitting here surrounded by these boys for a few minutes it was obvious that they had a special bond. 

"Trust me, we get tired of each other," Jesse reassured me, "but these are the best blokes around, aren't you Max?"

Max was shook out of his thoughts, I don't know why he found it shocking that I actually tried contacting him. That hurts because I'm a very caring person, and wouldn't give up without a fight, I never do. I guess this time the circumstances were different, I wasn't the one he wanted to be around whether it was for friendship or a relationship.

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