Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Briar's POV

"Piper it was amazing," I had dropped both Billy and Leo off at my dad's house after a long day of teaching them how to surf and then a trip to the ice cream shop. I was now telling Piper how it felt to save that man earlier, it still felt just as surreal recalling the incident, "I don't know what possessed me to do it, but when I was paddling out on the rescue board it felt amazing! Then pulling the man out of the water, I felt like a whole new person." 

I fell onto the couch and let out a loud sigh as Piper was preparing herself some food, "well if you enjoyed it so much then why don't you go to the lifeguard tryouts? They are coming up in a couple months," remarked Piper, "you're not going to let one guy prevent you from doing something enjoy, are you?"

Although what Piper was saying hit home for me, I couldn't imagine being around Max like this, even if that means giving up a great opportunity. Which sounds stupid, I know, why let a man decide your future? 

"I don't know, I've been back less than a month and I'm not sure I'm ready to jump into something serious, maybe next year?" I replied, I rolled over on the couch and grabbed my phone which was sitting on the coffee table near my feet, I brought it closer to my face as I unlocked it. Today was such a long day that I just wanted to relax and scroll through social media for hours on end. 

"Say how are you and that Dan fella doing?" I asked scrolling through instagram, Piper came into the living room and sat on the opposite side of me with he plate of food.

"It's still pretty fresh, but good," she replied bluntly, she's never been too open with her many relationships so I'm not going to push for any more information, but something about the facial expression she had on her face said that there was something else on her mind, "what's up?"

"Well," she begun, she rubbed the back of her neck as she got the courage to speak up about what was on her mind, "Madeline and Nick are dating." She just came right out with it, she looked nervous as to what my reaction was going to be.

I'm going to admit it, I didn't see that coming what so ever. I sat there with a blank expression on my face for a moment and the longer I let the idea of them two dating simmer in my mind I realize just how perfect the two of them are for each other. I just started hysterically laughing, Piper looked at me as if I were crazy!

I gathered and explained myself, "being my ex and all I want to be pissed but they are literally perfect for each other, I'm just excited to see the shit they put each other through!"

Piper laughed at my logic, something inside me is pushing for me not to be mad because Nick isn't my problem anymore, he's Madeline's! But I wonder if Max knows? And if he does, how is he doing because I know how he 'felt' about Madeline. 

"Today couldn't have gotten any better!" I smiled as I sat back on the couch, Piper turned on the television with the news blaring on screen.

"In developing news we have a story coming from a source in Sydney, local professional surfer Briar Carroll has reportedly had a run-in with the law," 

My heart sunk into my stomach, I perked up on the couch once I heard what that reporter was saying. 

"Turn it up," I told Piper, she fiddled with the remote and eventually turned it up.

"Sources claim that Carroll was caught in her hotel room with drugs the night after one of her meets. She was arrested on seen and spent up to weeks in jail, but was let out on bail furthering investigation by the Australian Surfing Committee."

"What the fuck," is all I managed to say, I looked to Piper who looked just as surprised as I did, who the hell let this out? I don't think my family would do this, so that only leaves one person, "I'm going to kill Nick."

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