Chapter 25

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A/N: Hey guys :) Hopefully this chapter was good! Enjoy some drama, please leave a comment and favorite if you enjoyed it..

Briar's POV

After what felt like hours and hundreds of conversations later, I had finally escaped that diplomatic dinner. While I had a great time with the other girls and really got to talking with the Prime Minister, I can only take so much seriousness. Plus I was about ready to knock out! 

Anyways, tonight really got me thinking considering my situation came up at dinner more than once, what I'm going to do with myself. As far as surfing and my family I think I know what I'm going to do with that. My family and I are in what I like to consider a great spot. One day I hope to surf again but I don't think that's in the cards. Now there's one more thing I need to work on, and that's my relationship with Max. 

I know we started over, we're no longer on bad terms. We're just not on good terms.

I guess I had been so lost in my thoughts I hadn't even realized I turned onto my street, I cruised by other houses and my eyes wandered as I headed down the dark street that was barely lit by the street lamps. I noticed there was some unfamiliar cars parked on my street but that wasn't unusual considering my neighbors always had people over. I pulled up to my house and parked my car in the drive way, as I grabbed my bag and headed out of my car, something felt off. I pressed the button on my keys to lock my car and headed up to my front door.

I noticed that one of my lights was on in the house, this was weird because I know I turned them all off when I left. No one else has a key so I'm kind of starting to freak. I grabbed my phone out of my purse as I walked up the stairs, my front door was open. I stopped immediately. I didn't hesitate to call my dad, even though it's late and he's probably asleep. 

I put the phone to my ear as I cautiously and slowly walked up to the front door. The phone kept ringing and I hoped that he'd pick up. Finally, he did. 

"Ri it's late, are you just getting home?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth and I could tell I woke him up.

"Dad I think someone broke into my house," I whispered.

"What!" my dad instantly perked up.

"I just got home, one of my lights in on and the front door is opened," I explained still whispering, "I- I think they're still in there."

"Briar Nova what ever you do, do not go in there," my dad ordered as I heard him shuffling around on the other end, "I'm coming over and calling the police, go back to your car and lock yourself in."

"Let me just make sure, I don't want you to get worked up over nothing," I whispered as I pushed the front door open, I stepped inside and looked around but couldn't anything, or anyone. But the house was definitely thrashed. 

"Briar-" my face dropped as I started to see the extent of what these burglars did to my house, it seemed as if everything was either thrown to floor completely destroying it or was rummaged through. Someone came into my home. My safe space. And completely destroyed it. 

"Dad, they destroyed everything," my heart broke as I told my dad, I picked up a picture frame that had an image of my family. The glass was completely broken into hundreds of little pieces. I set it gently back down onto the shards of glass. 

"Phone the police. I'm coming over there right now," my dad was clearly worried for me, probably assuming the worst and thinking that the intruders were still here.

"Everything's destroyed-" I said under my breath, completely defeated at this point. 

"Briar, darlin" my dad's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned away from the damage, I headed out of my front door and sat down on my front porch still in my outfit from the  diplomatic dinner. But I honestly didn't care. I felt so violated that someone came into my house when I wasn't home and destroyed all of my things. Yes, they may be only materialistic items but it stills feels awful. 

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